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Resource Overview

Platform: JSTOR

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Ithaka is a not-for-profit organization which provides electronic access to many journals (many of which date back to the 1800s), primary sources, and electronic books on its JSTOR platform.

Content can be browsed by subject, title, and publisher. There is also a basic keyword search, and an advanced search function that allows combining multiple fields with Boolean operators, and limiting to content available to your institution, item type, date range, language, and discipline.

Laurier Library subscribes primarily to backfiles or archives of these journals so the most recent few years of articles are not typically not available. Here's the list of the journal archive collections available to us:

  • Arts & Sciences I Collection
  • Arts & Sciences II Collection
  • Arts & Sciences III Collection
  • Arts & Sciences IV Collection
  • Arts & Sciences V Collection
  • Arts & Sciences VI Collection
  • Arts & Sciences VII Collection
  • Arts & Sciences VIII Collection
  • Arts & Sciences IX Collection
  • Arts & Sciences X Collection
  • Arts & Sciences XI Collection
  • Business I Collection (part of some of the Arts & Sciences Collections above)
  • Business II Collection (part of some of the Arts & Sciences Collections above)
  • Business III Collection
  • Life Sciences Collection

We previously had individual journal subscriptions on this platform. There are also many books we've purchased on the platform, either individually or in subject and year collections. The collections are:

  • Education 2020-2021
  • Film Studies 2020-2021
  • History 2021
  • Language & Literature 2021
  • Music 2019-2021
  • Philosophy 2021
  • Political Science 2021
  • Religion 2021
  • Science & Technology 2020-2021
  • Sociology 2021

During the COVID crisis, JSTOR provided free access to many of it's archives and collections. This expanded access ended on June 30, 2023.

Resource Details


Current and back issues of journals in arts and sciences.

Types (Business):

Journal articles



Resource Accessibility Statements:

JSTOR: Accessibility policies

Usage Rights:

JSTOR Archive Collections

Page Owner: Matt Thomas

Page Feedback

Last Updated: May 2, 2024 1:21pm