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The Library provides services to support teaching and learning.

Accessibility Hub

Accessible services for library resources, technologies, and spaces. 

Borrowing Services

How to borrow books and other materials from the library, including delivery methods, returns, and fine policies.

Subject Liaison Librarians

Subject liaison librarians have expertise in subject areas and are available to help with research, collections, or teaching classes about library research and information literacy

Course Guides

Course guides are made to help students in specific classes. They often include help with assignments and other tips for doing research.

Course Readings (Reserves)

Find and access course readings on reserve and learn how faculty can place readings on reserve.

Research Assistance

Get research help in-person or online through librarian appointments, drop-ins, chat, email, video tutorials, and Omni support.

Teaching Supports

Options available for librarian research skills instruction for a course, both online and in-person.

Library Technology

The library offers a variety of technologies to assist the research process, and to make the best use of Library resources.

Library Makerspace

The Laurier Library Makerspace is a workshop for students, staff and faculty to make things, learn skills and meet other makers.

Podcasting Program

The podcasting program provides space, equipment, and podcasting software for members of the Laurier community to create podcasts.


Library resources to support the needs of the Laurier community including guides to research by subject, books, articles, journals, databases, videos, data and statistics, and much more.

Subject Guides

Guides listing the best search tools for specific subjects or programs.


Finding articles at the Laurier Library.

eBooks and Books

How to find books, both in print and electronic.


Tools for searching for information resources and collections of those information resources in our collection.

More Research Materials

News articles, video, music, data and statistics, theses, and other types of library research materials.

WLU Press

The Wilfrid University Library Press publishes books in areas such as social sciences and humanities.

Scholarly Communication

The library plays a role in the support and evolution of the creation, evaluation, dissemination, and preservation of scholarly writings.

Research Data Management

Library resources that help researchers manage their research data, including data management planning services, consulting, and data deposit.

Laurier Archives

The Laurier Archives contains the library's research collection of primary sources and rare books, and is a research destination for students, staff, faculty, and the public.

Digital Projects and Curation

The Library can help the Laurier community start digital humanities projects or online exhibitions.

Arts and Culture

The Library showcases artistic and creative projects of the Laurier and wider community.

Robert Langen Art Gallery

The Robert Langen Art Gallery (RLAG) is the University’s visual arts center and cultural hub for students, staff, faculty and the public at large.

Community engagement space

An area on the main floor of the Waterloo campus library where creative works of the Laurier community are displayed.

One Heart, One Mind, One Vision mural

Library landing page for the One Heart, One Mind, One Vision library mural by Ojibwe artist, Mike Cywink


The Library serves the Laurier community at multiple campuses and through additional locations.

Study Areas

Learn about places to study and work in groups at the various library locations.


The main Laurier library is located at the Waterloo campus.


Laurier's Kitchener campus Library is located on the lower level of the Lyle S. Hallman Faculty of Social Work.


The Laurier library services at Brantford are found in the lower floor of the Grand River Hall and at the neighbouring Branford Public Library.


Library pickup and virtual library services are available at the Milton campus

Additional Locations

The Library serves the Laurier community at multiple campuses and through additional locations.


Library contacts, policies, and information about where the Laurier Library started and what it is trying to become.


The library is staffed with librarians, staff, and administration to provide services to Laurier and community users.


Laurier Library policies related to services, collections, volunteering, and Library facilities.


The Laurier Library's partnerships with other libraries and groups to provide library services to the Laurier community.

Library History

A timeline of Laurier Library's history from 1910.

Library Awards

Awards that recognize or support library and archival research at the Laurier Library

Strategic Direction

Visions and plans for the future of the Laurier Library.


Library resources to help students, faculty, staff, and the community quickly and independently.


Short help tutorials on using the Library's resources and services.

Common Activities

Help guides organized around common academic tasks

Site A-Z List

Alphabetic list of common and specialized pages on the website

User Groups Help

Guides organized around common library user groups, such as students, faculty, alumni, etc.

Ask Us

An email form to send a question to the library. We'll steer it in the right direction.