Online library services may be down Saturday February 22
Group study rooms in the Waterloo campus library on the 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th floors.
The 7th floor has three individual study pods with closable doors for even more quiet study.
There are individual study rooms on 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th floors that are dedicated to students registered with the Accessible Library Centre
Description: Individual Study Rooms (Accessible Learning Centre Students)
On the third floor are 3 private study rooms that can be reserved by any student.
Podcasting studio rooms.
The Waterloo Podcasting Studio includes an iMac computer running Hindenburg Pro software for recording and editing of sound files.
The studio also includes a table with individual microphones, headsets, and seating for four (4) users, as well as acoustic sound baffling.
There is fluorescent overhead lighting with on/off switch
Group study room located in Brantford Library.
The Kitchener Faculty of Social Work library is accessible by One Card.