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Sociology: Introduction

Resources: Start Here

Resource Description
Sociology @ ProQuest Selected ProQuest databases for Sociology. View full description

Resources: Main

Resource Description
21st Century Sociology Provides a timely and comprehensive assessment of the 100+ specialty fields of Sociology View full description
Child development abstracts and bibliography Print index for articles, books and other materials. View full description
Defining Gender Full-text manuscripts and printed works, plus illustrations. View full description
Sociological Abstracts Comprehensive, international coverage of journal articles, books, papers, etc. in sociology and related disciplines. View full description
Sociology - Oxford Bibliographies A collection of core resources in sociology. Selected by experts. View full description
Sociology @ EBSCOhost Selected EBSCOhost databases for Sociology. View full description
Sociology Database Index and full text collection of literature regarding the sociology and social work. View full description
Truth, Reconciliation & Colonialism Video playlist on the the effects of colonialism in Canada. View full description

Resources: Also Useful

Resource Description
CANSIM @ CHASS Canadian socio-economic statistical data. For advanced users. View full description
Child Welfare Information Gateway Links to information and publications for the well-being of children and families. View full description
Criminal Justice Abstracts with Full Text Covers journal articles, books, reports, dissertations and unpublished papers. View full description
Google Scholar Searches for articles and web resources from academic publishers and universities. View full description
JSTOR Current and back issues of journals in arts and sciences. View full description
Mass Observation Online Papers from the archive of a pioneering British social research organization. View full description
odesi Repository of socio-economic survey, census, and polling data from Statistics Canada, Ipsos Reid, Gallup, etc. View full description
OECD iLibrary Access books, articles, reports & statistics from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. View full description
PTSDpubs Index for assessment, treatment, services and policies relating to stress disorder. View full description
Sage Knowledge Social sciences books by Sage Publications. Primarily Sociology, Education, and Business & Management. View full description
Scholars Portal Journals Several thousand full-text electronic journals; especially strong in sciences and social sciences. View full description
Social Sciences Citation Index (included in Web of Science) View full description
Web of Science Core Collection Citation indexes for the arts & humanities, the social sciences, and the sciences. View full description
Women and Social Movements in the United States, 1600-2000 Full-text documents, plus scholarly essays, book reviews, commentaries and bibliographies. View full description
Women and Social Movements, International: 1840 to Present Letters, conference proceedings and other primary material concerning women's social movements. View full description
World Development Indicators Development data from more than 200 countries View full description

Page Owner: Peter Genzinger

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Last Updated: July 23, 2024 10:41am