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Waterloo campus library. There is a 2-part ramp, and stairs. Call or email us for description. Looking forward to meeting you.

The Laurier community will find at the Waterloo campus library extensive study spaces, public-use technology, over a million books, an art gallery, and special collections, making it a vital and vibrant community space on campus.


Laurier's Waterloo campus Library is a hub of activity at the west end of campus, adjacent to Martin Luther University College and Dr. Alvin Woods Building. Receiving well over half a million visits each academic year, the Library contains approximately 800 group and individual study spaces; public-use computers, printers and scanners; and over one million printed books and archival items. 

The Library is also home to a thriving art gallery, a dedicated graduate commons study area, and the Archives and Special Collections.

Floor Plans

1st Floor
2nd Floor (Main)
3rd Floor
4th Floor
5th Floor
6th Floor
7th Floor

Building Hours

To see building hours past this week, visit the extended hours view. Hours for individual services may vary from the building hours; please see the respective service's page for more details.

Tuesday (March 25):


Wednesday (March 26):


Thursday (March 27):


Friday (March 28):


Saturday (March 29):


Sunday (March 30):


Monday (March 31):



See descriptions of Library technology.

  • Accessible workstations
  • Music listening
  • Network Login computers
  • Photocopying
  • Printing
  • Printing (colour)
  • Public computers
  • Scanning
  • Video viewing

Building Access

Snow removal

For overnight snowfalls, Laurier snow removal starts at 6 am. The library ramp and stairs should be shoveled and salted by 7 am. The crew then moves on to other parts of the campus. If more snow removal is needed, then the cycle is continued.

If the handrail has ice due to freezing rain, it will not be scraped. If this is a barrier for you, please contact the library and we will notify the snow removal crew.

Public Transit

Please visit the Grand River Transit website for route and schedule information

Bicycle Racks

Next to some flowers is a metal bench, and then four bike racks. Each rack is a separate metal post with rounded bar. Behind the bench, and racks is a concrete barrier that runs along side of the ramp for entering the library.

  • Four metal bike racks


We recommend you park in lots #4 or #20. There are also five accessible parking spots are available near the front of the Library. Please view the Laurier parking website for more information.

Lost and Found

Lost and Found items are kept near the User Services Desk on the second floor of the Library. Patrons may claim an item by accurately describing the item, and where they lost it to staff at the User Services Desk. For valuable items, patrons are also asked to sign and date a claim form.


Accessing the building

Page Owner: Dillon Moore

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