The Library's Teacher Education Collection has 6 components, all of which are located on the 4th floor of the Waterloo campus Library (to the right as you exit the elevator) - OR - can be ordered over through Omni, with a drop off at the Public Library in Brantford. These include:
Books & Articles for Teachers in the classroom or in training
If you are in Waterloo...
- Feel free to come in and browse the shelves of the Professional & Curriculum Collection ​​​​​​(i.e. books for teachers about pedagogical theories &/or classroom activities, to help answer, "How do I teach it?");
- the book spines' call number labels start with "EDUPROF" or "EDUC".
- More books about teaching children, primary & junior grade education and classroom activities can also be found in the call number range of "LB", found on the 6th Floor of the Waterloo campus Library.
If you are in Brantford OR would like to find titles & call numbers first, before going to the shelves...
- use Omni (Advanced); do a search such as:
- on the 1st line, copy & paste (with quotation marks and capital "OR"s): ​​​​​​"Study and teaching (primary)" OR "Study and teaching (elementary)" & choose "Subject" form the drop-down menu on the left-hand side of the text box;
- on the 2nd line, type in the subject area you're trying to teach, e.g. Mathematics
- For more practical ideas and examples of lesson plans, classroom activities &/or other curriculum supports, check the Library's online Education database collection, in particular:​​​​​
- Education @ EBSCOhost, for articles from professional magazines for teachers:
- once a search has been done, use the filters for "Books" & "Magazines" from the left-hand side of the results screen;
- Ontario Physical and Health Education Association (Ophea)'s:
- Education @ EBSCOhost, for articles from professional magazines for teachers:
Books for Children (Kindergarten to Grade 6)
If you are in Waterloo...
- Feel free to browse the Children’s Book Collection:
- contains picture books (fiction) & non-fiction books, for children up to primary and junior grades (Kindergarten to Grade 6);
- Blue stickers = books about Indigenous topics;
- Yellow stickers = books in French;
- the book spines' call number labels start with "EDUCHILD".
- contains picture books (fiction) & non-fiction books, for children up to primary and junior grades (Kindergarten to Grade 6);
If you are in Brantford OR would like to find titles & call numbers first, before going to the shelves...
- Use Omni (Advanced):
- on the 1st line, copy & paste: ​​​Picture books for children & choose "Subject" form the drop-down menu on the left-hand side of the text box & "is (exact)" from the middle drop-down menu;
- on the 2nd line, type in a keyword about the topic of the story you'd like to find, e.g. friend*
N.B. use the * (asterix or star above the number 8 on your keyboard) to find all the endings for a word, such as "friend", "friends", "friendly", "friendship" & "friendships".
Manipulatives & Kit Collection (i.e. games, models, flash cards, puzzles, etc.)
Search the Omni collection called "Children's Education: Games, Kits, Manipulatives & Posters for Classroom Use":
Divided by subject areas (i.e. Drama, Music & Dance; Geography, Geology & the Environment; Health & Nutrition; History; Social Studies & Culture; Mathematics & Geometry; Physical Education; Reading, Writing & Languages; Science & Technology; Visual Arts & Crafts; and Just for Fun: Board Games rated as appropriate for children), here are a selection of games, manipulatives, kits, construction sets, realia, posters, picture puzzles & audio-visual aids to help Teacher Candidates, faculty & students work with children in school or other settings.
To Find More Items - or to find items more precisely on a topic - try one or more the following:
- search Omni, following the tips provided in each subject category in the Omni collection, above;
- browse the physical shelves on the 4th floor of the Waterloo campus Library (to the right as you exit the elevator)
- the kits' call number labels start with "EDUKIT– Large" OR "EDUKIT–Small";
- REALLY large ("oversized") books & kits have call number labels that start with "EDUOVER".
N.B. Although these items are located in the Waterloo campus Library, they can be ordered over through Omni, with a drop off at the Public Library in Brantford, in 1 to 3 business days.
If you would like more information about (or ideas on how to use) any game, kit, manipulative or poster, try the following:
- Once you have found the item in Omni, scroll to the bottom of the record to see all the information that has been provided.
- Then, search Google for the name of the item (in quotation marks) along with the name of the company (also in quotation marks).
E.g., from this Omni record, you would type the following into a Google search box:
"Erupting cross section volcano model" "Learning Resources"
Google will return this collection of results, which you can explore, including the tabs at the top, "Images" and "Videos".
Posters & Pictures to hang in the classroom
Search our Omni collection called "Children's Education: Games, Kits, Manipulatives & Posters for Classroom Use":
Divided by subject areas (i.e. Drama, Music & Dance; Geography, Geology & the Environment; Health & Nutrition; History; Social Studies & Culture; Mathematics & Geometry; Physical Education; Reading, Writing & Languages; Science & Technology; Visual Arts & Crafts; and Just for Fun: Board Games rated as appropriate for children), here are a selection of games, manipulatives, kits, construction sets, realia, posters, picture puzzles & audio-visual aids to help Teacher Candidates, faculty & students work with children in school or other settings.
To Find More Items - or to find items more precisely on a topic - try one or more the following:
- search Omni, following the tips provided in each subject category in the Omni collection, above;
- browse the physical shelves on the 4th floor of the Waterloo campus Library (to the right as you exit the elevator)
- posters' or pictures' call number labels start with EDUPIC.
N.B. Although these items are located in the Waterloo campus Library, they can be ordered over through Omni, with a drop off at the Public Library in Brantford, in 1 to 3 business days.
If you would like more information about (or ideas on how to use) any game, kit, manipulative or poster, try the following:
- Once you have found the item in Omni, scroll to the bottom of the record to see all the information that has been provided.
- Then, search Google for the name of the item (in quotation marks) along with the name of the company (also in quotation marks).
E.g., from this Omni record, you would type the following into a Google search box:
"Skeletal system" "Trend Enterprises"
Google will return this collection of results, which you can explore, including the tabs at the top, "Images" and "Videos".
Movies & Films for children
Search our Omni collection called "Children's Movies & Films: DVDs & Videos for School Classroom Use":
To Find More Items - or to find items more precisely on a topic - search Omni, following the tips provided in the Omni collection, above.
- Education DVDs are shelved with our regular DVD collection, on the 4th Floor:
- these can be shown in school classrooms;
- DVDs for Education have labels that start with EDUMEDIA​​​, but other DVDs that may be of use can be found throughout the Laurier Library DVD collection;
- a very small number of videos still exists in the Laurier Library collection, mainly located in the Annex storage facility; these can be found & ordered over through Omni or check the holdings of the Omni collection, above.
Please Note!!
- Most DVDs & videos can be played for free in SCHOOL SETTINGS, for educational or training purposes ONLY (i.e. where students & teachers are mainly present) - but NOT for fundraising, family movie night, etc., unless royalties have been payed:
- For information on copyrighted use of DVDs & other films in schools (including YouTube), please see Copyright Matters! Some Key Questions & Answers for Teachers, 5th Edition, Wanda Noel & Jordan Snel, Barristers and Solicitors, Council of Ministers of Education, Canada, 2022, and in particular, Chapter 17: "CAN TEACHERS SHOW AN AUDIOVISUAL WORK (SUCH AS A DVD OR VIDEO) ON SCHOOL PREMISES WITHOUT INFRINGING COPYRIGHT?"
- If you are still not sure, though, please check with
N.B.> More children's movies & documentaries may be found in Laurier Library's streaming media databases (click on "Online Videos") or in Omni; this is a great way for Teacher Candidates to discover and pre-watch films for upcoming classes. HOWEVER:
- If you would like to show a film in a school setting that you happened to see in a Laurier Library streaming media database or through Omni:
- You can NOT show Laurier's, but you CAN ask the School Librarian or Media Specialist at your placement school &/or check with the placement school's School Board to see if they have a way for you to access & show the film and/or they may be able to offer other, similar films that you can show in your school classroom.
- If you would like to show a film in a school setting that you happened to see in a Laurier Library streaming media database or through Omni:
Music & other Sound Recordings for children
Search our Omni collection called "Children's Music & Sound Recordings: CDs & Vinyl Records for School Classroom Use":
To Find More Items - or to find items more precisely on a topic - search Omni, following the tips provided in the Omni collection, above.
• Education music & other sound recording CD’s are shelved with our regular CD collection, on the 4th Floor:
- CDs for Education have labels that start with EDUCD, but other CDs that may be of use can be found in the whole Laurier Library CD collection;
- ​​​the Laurier Library also has children's songs & music on vinyl records stored in its Annex facility; these can be found & ordered over through Omni or check the holdings of the Omni collection, above.​​​​
Please Note!!
- Most CDs & vinyl records can be played for free in SCHOOL SETTINGS, for educational or training purposes ONLY (i.e. where students & teachers are mainly present) - but NOT for fundraising, school assemblies, dances, fashion shows, etc., unless royalties have been payed:
- For information on copyrighted use of CDs & other sound recordings in schools (including YouTube), please see Copyright Matters! Some Key Questions & Answers for Teachers, 5th Edition, Wanda Noel & Jordan Snel, Barristers and Solicitors, Council of Ministers of Education, Canada, 2022, and in particular, Chapter 12: "CAN TEACHERS PLAY A SOUND RECORDING OR TURN ON A RADIO FOR STUDENTS TO LISTEN TO, OR TURN ON A TELEVISION FOR STUDENTS TO WATCH?"
- If you are still not sure, though, please check with
N.B.> More children's music & sound recordings may be found in Laurier Library's streaming music databases (click on "Streaming music and video") or in Omni; this is a great way for Teacher Candidates to discover and pre-listen to music & other sound recordings for upcoming classes. HOWEVER:
- If you would like to play a song, piece of music or sound recording in a school setting, that you happened to find in a Laurier Library streaming music database or through Omni:
- You can NOT show Laurier's, but you CAN ask the School Librarian or Media Specialist at your placement school &/or check with the placement school's School Board to see if they have a way for you to access & play music, songs or sound recordings and/or they may be able to offer other, similar sound recordings that you can play in your school classroom.
- If you would like to play a song, piece of music or sound recording in a school setting, that you happened to find in a Laurier Library streaming music database or through Omni: