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Hélène LeBlanc

Government Information / Education / Political Science / International Public Policy / Global Governance / Law & Society / Criminology / Policing / Public Safety Librarian

Department: User Services

Hélène has been an academic government information librarian for over 25 years, and a Canadian federal government librarian before that.  During her years at Laurier, she has done sabbaticals at the Foreign Affairs & International Trade Library in Ottawa, the European Commission Library in Brussels, and at the Library of Congress (European Reading Room) in Washington, D.C.

Before becoming a Librarian, Hélène taught French as a Second Language, for a year, to Grades 1 to 7.

Office: L3-311

Service Area(s): Library Services, Help & research assistance, In-person instruction, Online library instruction, Subject librarians

Subjects: Government Information, Political Science, Global Governance, International Public Policy, Education, Policing and Public Safety, Legal Information, Criminology, Law and Society

Collection Policies: Political Science, Education - Academic, Education - Teaching, Criminology