Electronic collections and databases, searchable.
Multidisciplinary database with scholarly, government, and general-interest titles covering all aspects of human impact on the environment
Historical Topographic Map Digitization Project: Full Collection
Maps of Ontario locations from early to mid-20th century.
Internet Archive: eBooks and Texts
A collection of more than 20 million freely available books and texts.
National Academies Press
Over 4,000 free PDF ebooks in science, engineering and medicine. Requires free registration.
National Geographic Society Publications Index
Index to the society's publications, including articles, books, maps and CD-ROMs.
NRCan Open S&T Repository (OSTR)
Bibliographic database for scientific and technical publications of the Earth Sciences Sector (ESS) of Natural Resources Canada.
Oxford Academic : Journals
Index of and links to all journals published by Oxford.
PAIS Index
International index to various types of publications on public/social policy and social sciences. Includes PAIS Archive.
Population Index
Worldwide demographic and population literature.
Project Gutenberg
Collection of tens of thousands of free, mostly US-public-domain books.
Sage Journals
Several hundred full-text electronic journals, chiefly in the social sciences.
Scholars Commons @ Laurier
Alternate titles include: Laurier's Scholars Commons; Wilfrid Laurier University's Scholars Commons
Online collection of the intellectual, creative, and scholarly output of the Wilfrid Laurier University community.
Scholars GeoPortal
Use geographically based licensed data in a visual interface.
SciTech Connect
Free access to over 2.6 million science research citations, including scientific and technical research results in disciplines of interest to the U.S. Department of Energy.
The international encyclopedia of geography : people, the Earth, environment, and technology
Encyclopedia articles on geography related topics.
The World Factbook
Information on countries of the world prepared by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency.
TRID: the TRIS and ITRD database
Citations and some full text of journal articles, technical reports, and other materials for transportation studies.
The books, reports, and journals created by the United Nations.
Large, comprehensive statistical database covering all countries of the world. Pulls together statistics from all the major UN sources.
University of Chicago Press Journals
Journals published by University of Chicago Press.
University Press Scholarship Online
Large ebook collection on a wide variety of topics from various university presses.
Very Short Introductions
Collection of introductory books on a variety of topics including arts, humanities, law, health, science, and social sciences.
Water Resources Abstracts
Index to articles, books and reports related to water resources.
Web of Science
Search all the databases on the Web of Science platform.
Web of Science Core Collection
Citation indexes for the arts & humanities, the social sciences, and the sciences.
Wiley Online Library
Access to publications by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. including journals, books, databases, and lab protocols.