Project Gutenberg
Resource Overview
Alternate Title(s): Free eBooks - Project Gutenberg
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From the Project Gutenberg front page (as of 2020-05-04): Project Gutenberg is a library of over 60,000 free eBooks. Choose among free epub and Kindle eBooks, download them or read them online. You will find the world's great literature here, with focus on older works for which U.S. copyright has expired. Thousands of volunteers digitized and diligently proofread the eBooks, for enjoyment and education. Looking for something to read? Project Gutenberg eBooks are mostly older literary works. Most were published before 1924, with some published in the decades after. Use one of the Search methods on this page, or try using the Bookshelves to browse by genre, age group, and topic. Content is searchable by simple keyword on the front and other pages. Search results are sortable by title or release date, and can be limited by "subject". You can also browse titles by author, title, language or posting date. Mobile version of the site.
Resource Details
Collection of tens of thousands of free, mostly US-public-domain books.
Subjects Covered:
Interdisciplinary, Anthropology, Arabic, Archaeology, Biology, Business, Business Technology Management, Canadian Studies, Chemistry and Biochemistry, Classics, Communication Studies, Computer Science, Criminology, Cultural Analysis and Social Theory, Cultural Studies, Data and Statistics, Digital Media and Journalism, Economics, Education, English, Film Studies, French, Game Design and Development, Geography and Environmental Studies, German, Global Governance, Global Studies, Government Information, Health Sciences, Health Studies, History, Human Rights and Human Diversity, Indigenous Studies, International Public Policy, Italian, Kinesiology & Physical Education, Languages and Literatures, Law and Society, Leadership, Legal Information, Mathematics, Medieval Studies, Music, Music Therapy, Music: Community Music, North American Studies, Philosophy, Physics, Policing and Public Safety, Political Science, Psychology, Religion and Culture, Social Work, Social and Environmental Justice, Sociology, Spanish, Spiritual Care and Psychotherapy, Theological Education, User Experience Design, Women and Gender Studies, Youth and Children's Studies
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