University Press Scholarship Online
Resource Overview
Alternate Title(s): UPSO
Platform: University Press Scholarship Online (UPSO)
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A compilation of most of the electronic books available from the partnership of nine university presses, including and led by Oxford University Press. Subject coverage is wide, including social sciences, humanities and science related titles. Content can be listed by broad subject area or university press, or searched via keyword and then limited by various facets including date range. eBooks published by Oxford on this platform are also loaded onto Scholars Portal Books.
Resource Details
Large ebook collection on a wide variety of topics from various university presses.
Subjects Covered:
Interdisciplinary, Anthropology, Archaeology, Biology, Business, Classics, Computer Science, Cultural Analysis and Social Theory, Economics, Education, Film Studies, Geography and Environmental Studies, Health Sciences, Health Studies, History, Languages and Literatures, Law and Society, Legal Information, Mathematics, Music, Music Therapy, Music: Community Music, Philosophy, Physics, Political Science, Psychology, Religion and Culture, Social and Environmental Justice, Social Work, Sociology, Theological Education
Authorized Users:
Laurier Library visitors, Laurier staff students and faculty
Resource Accessibility Statements: