Oxford Academic : Journals
Resource Overview
Alternate Title(s): OUP journals, University of Oxford Press journals, Oxford University Press journals
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Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford and publishes journals (and other resources) in a wide variety of disciplines. This resource provides access to all electronic journals published by Oxford. Content can be search by simple keyword or by the advanced search which includes limiting by citation information (e.g. year, volume, first page, etc.), DOI, keywords in various fields, author, broad subject, and date range. Journals can also be browsed by title, as a complete list or within broad subjects like "Law" or "Social Sciences".
Resource Details
Index of and links to all journals published by Oxford.
Subjects Covered:
Interdisciplinary, Biology, Chemistry and Biochemistry, Computer Science, Criminology, Economics, Education, English, French, Geography and Environmental Studies, German, Health Sciences, Health Studies, History, Human Rights and Human Diversity, International Public Policy, Languages and Literatures, Law and Society, Legal Information, Mathematics, Music, Philosophy, Physics, Political Science, Religion and Culture, Social Work, Women and Gender Studies, Youth and Children's Studies
Authorized Users:
Laurier Library visitors, Laurier staff students and faculty
Usage Rights:
Current journal content Older journal content