Electronic collections and databases, searchable.
Bryn Mawr Classical Review
Book reviews of current scholarly works in classical studies, including archaeology.
Business Source Complete
Includes scholarly journals, books, case studies, marketing research and other business and economics material.
C19: The Nineteenth Century Index
Index to books, magazines, documents, newspapers.
Cabells : Journalytics Academic
Contact and submission information for scholarly publishing in various business subjects.
Cambridge Core
Platform for all books, journal and other publications published by Cambridge University Press.
Cambridge Histories
Historical summaries providing larger perspectives on a variety of subjects.
Cambridge Journals
All journals published by Cambridge University Press, covering humanities, social sciences and science, technology and medicine.
Campbell Library
Systematic reviews and other evidence synthesis to promote positive social and economic change.
Can-Core: Academic Video
Collection of Canadian videos from 1988 to the present.
Canada Commons
Collection of Canadian books and public documents.
Canada's Information Resource Centre
Several Canadian reference resources in one search interface.
Canadian Business & Current Affairs Database
Provides access to Canadian journals, magazines and news resources on all topics.
Canadian Business & Current Affairs Database: Business
Index for scholarly, professional and popular literature on Canadian business, finance and economics.
Canadian Census Analyzer
Census Profiles tables by census geography or by census year, plus Microdata Files and Postal Code Conversion Files.
Canadian Encyclopedia Online
Contains the full text of the encyclopedia, with regular updates.
Canadian Foreign Relations Index
Index to articles, books, research papers, government documents, etc.
Canadian Health Monitoring and Surveillance Reports
Statistics and data for a range of years from Health Canada.
Canadian Historical Association: Register of Dissertations
Citation database of dissertations completed and in progress at Canadian universities in history and related fields.
Canadian Historical Newspapers @ ProQuest
Canadian historical newspaper collections available through ProQuest.
Canadian Music Periodical Index
Citations to articles from Canadian music journals, newsletters and magazines.
Canadian News @ ProQuest
Searching both Canadian Newsstand Complete and CBCA (access to Canadian journals, magazines and news resources on all topics).
Canadian Newsstream
Full text of many Canadian newspapers.
Canadian Publishers Collection
Collection of ebooks published by Canadian presses.
Canadian Research Index
Citations to monographs and annual publications from Canadian government and institutional resources.
Canadian Science Publishing Journals
Journals page for the Canadian independent scientific journal publisher CSP.
Digitized texts published between the first European settlement of Canada and the early twentieth century.
Canadiana: Héritage
Canadian historical primary documents.
Canadian socio-economic statistical data. For advanced users.
CANSIM @ Statistics Canada
Canadian socio-economic statistical data.
Canterbury Dictionary of Hymnology
Reference resource on hymns from around the world, historical and contemporary. Requires log in.