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Canadian Historical Association: Register of Dissertations

Resource Overview

Alternate Title(s): Register of dissertations, Dissertations, Register of, CHA

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Produced and hosted by the Canadian Historical Association (CHA), this resource provides an inventory of all Ph.D. and M.A. theses in Canadian universities dealing with any aspect of history. It also seeks to include theses in Canadian history undertaken in non-Canadian universities.

Can be searched by author, title, university, area of research (place and period), status (abandoned, completed, in progress), degree, year begun, and year completed. Includes in progress, completed and abandoned theses as shown in the last printed version (1998) of the Register. Updated as new information is received. Dissertations on this site are browsable by any of the headings in the table, such as date added, title, author's name, subject, etc. The search function also allows keyword searching by title, author's first and last names, and more.

Laurier Library has facilitated access to this in our collection since at least 2012.

Resource Details


Citation database of dissertations completed and in progress at Canadian universities in history and related fields.

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1959 to present

Page Owner: Matt Thomas

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