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Canada Commons

Resource Overview

Alternate Title(s): Canadian Public Policy Collection, CPPC, Canadian Health Research Collection, CHRC, Canadian Public Documents Collection, CPDC, Canadian Publishers Collection, desLibris

Platform: Canada Commons

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This platform is for electronic books and documents from and about Canada, providing preview access to tens of thousands of titles.

Basic searching is the default but the available advanced search allows searching in many multiple fields, limiting to key fields or full text searching, limiting to only those titles available in full text, and limiting to document type.

Laurier Library provides access to the "Canadian Public Documents Collection" (CPDC, previously split into two separate collections: "Canadian Public Policy Collection" or CPPC, and "Canadian Health Research Collection" or CHRC) on this platform including both public policy and health research publications, as well as electronic books from many Canadian publishers. Neither the public documents nor the Canadian publishers titles have concurrent user limitations, meaning that an unlimited number of people can read them at one time. This platform was known as "desLibris" before May 2022.

Resource Details


Collection of Canadian books and public documents.



Usage Rights:

Canadian publishers titles Canadian health research documents Canadian public policy documents

Page Owner: Matt Thomas

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Last Updated: May 2, 2024 3:06pm