Music: Music History and (Ethno)musicology
In addition to searching Omni for your music history topic, some of the following resources can help
Cambridge Histories
Oxford Bibliographies Online (OBO)
- Music - over 250 music-related bibliographies, including:
Article databases
Sometimes it is hard to narrow down results in Omni. Consider the following databases that provide direct access to scholarly articles in just music
- RILM abstracts of Music Literature
- international coverage of music publications.
- Music Periodicals Database
- articles from popular music publications.
For more detailed searching, and/or for more obscure topics, try searching across the full text through these databases:
- full text collection of ejournals, searchable across all the full text; you can also limit to music journals
- Periodicals Archive Online
- another full text collection of ejournals, searchable across all the full text; you can also limit to music journals
Think outside the box, you may find journal literature in other databases, e.g,
- ATLA Religion Database
- Church music, etc.
- Historical Abstracts
- musical issues related to historical and political events
- Iter: Gateway to the Middle Ages and Renaissance
- includes extremely obscure citations​​​​​​