Government Information: Government publications (documents) & databases - comprehensive sources
Millions of government publications can be found on the Internet. But not all publications are online and results from a Google search may not find what you really need: either you may not retrieve the proper reports OR there may be far too many to sort through them properly.
For a more controlled searching experience or for finding documents that have been gathered together based on a subject or jurisdiction (place) theme, try the following:
Canada (all levels of government)
- Omni Use Advanced Search to find government documents from across all levels of government; include geographic location (e.g. Canada or Ontario) as an "Author/Creator".
- Canadian Research Index (1982 to present) Federal, provincial & municipal government documents available on microfiche; check Omni or the internet to find publications in print and/or online.
- PAIS International (1915 to present) Select "Government & Official Document" as a "Document type"; include geographic location (e.g. Canada or Ontario) as an "Author/Creator".
Canada (federal, specifically)
- Government of Canada Publications (main federal publications site):
​​​​Find publications by department or agency
- Canadian Research Index (1982 to present) Federal, provincial & municipal government documents available on microfiche; check Omni or the internet to find publications in print and/or online.
- Canadian Government Publications Portal Internet Archive's collection of digitized serials from the federal & Ontario governments, many back to the mid-1800s or early 20th century; see a list of titles & holdings.
Canada (provincial & territorial, specifically)
- GALLOP Portal: Government and Legislative Libraries Online Publications Portal From the Association of Parliamentary Libraries in Canada, find Canadian provincial & territorial publications.
- Publications Ontario The Ontario Government's portal for free & priced publications, both digital & in print. N.B.> Do NOT pay for any publication: Check first for the title in Omni &/or with the Government Information Librarian, who may be able to find you a freely available copy.
- Legislative Assembly of Ontario Library Catalogue
- Canadian Government Publications Portal Internet Archive's collection of digitized serials from the federal & Ontario governments, many back to the mid-1800s or early 20th century; click here for a list of titles & holdings.
Canada (municipal, specifically)
FCM (Federation of Canadian Municipalities) A directory of close to 2,000 municipalities & their links, organized by province and territory.
AMCTO Municipal Google Search A basic search engine crawl across 420 of Ontario's municipalities, as set up by the Association of Municipal Managers, Clerks and Treasurers of Ontario (AMCTO)
United States
GovInfo "Free public access to official publications from all three branches of the Federal Government."
USAGov Publication collections, as issued by individual departments.
PAIS International (1915 to present) Select "Government & Official Document" as a "Document type". Omni Use Advanced Search to find government documents; include geographic location (e.g. "United States" or Hawaii) as an "Author/Creator".
United Kingdom
UK national government publications From the British Library, links to key government document collections.
U.K. Parliamentary Papers Digitally scanned Sessional Papers from the 18th century (1701-) through to the 2009/10 parliamentary session & supplementary material from Great Britain's House of Commons. (Some House of Lords papers, if presented to the House of Commons.)
Hansard Online Full text of UK members’ debates, 1803 to the present. Includes both the House of Commons and the House of Lords. View Full Description Omni Use Advanced Search to find government documents; include geographic location (e.g. "United Kingdom" or "Great Britain" or Scotland) as an "Author/Creator".
Omni Use Advanced Search to find government documents; include geographic location (e.g. Australia or "United Nations") as an "Author/Creator".
International Organizations: Selected Intergovernmental Organizations (IGOs), as listed by the United States Library of Congress.
OECD iLibrary Access to books, journals, reports, papers and other resources from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.
Publications Office of the European Union "The official provider of publishing services to all EU institutions, bodies, and agencies."
UN-iLibrary: Freely available United Nations "publications", from 1945 to present.
* use Advanced Search;
* include desired geographic location (e.g. "United States", Vermont, Miami, etc.) as an Author.
PAIS International 1915 to present
(limit search by "Document type" = "Government & Official Document")
CQ Weekly (Congressional Quarterly) 1983 to present the U.S. Government's Official Web Search
* use Advanced Search;
* include desired geographic location (e.g. Canada, Alberta, Moncton, etc.) as an Author.
* use Advanced Search;
* include desired geographic location (e.g. "Great Britain", Japan, Kenya, etc.) as an Author.
PAIS International 1915 to present
(limit search by "Document type" = "Government & Official Document")
- Omni:
- use the Advanced Search to find government publications;
- include the name of the international government organization as an Author/Creator, but provide both acronym and the spelled out name (e.g. OECD OR "Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development"; UN OR "United Nations"; G7 OR "Group of Seven", etc.).
- PAIS International (1915 to present) Select "Government & Official Document" as a "Document type".
Comprehensive databases & portals, by selected IGO:
European Union (EU)
- Publications Office of the European Union "The official provider of publishing services to all EU institutions, bodies, and agencies."
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
- OECD iLibrary: Freely available books, journals, reports, papers and other resources from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.
United Nations (UN) (& its subsidiaries)
In the United Nations, there is a distinction between "publications" (those items produced for the public, either freely available or for a price) and "documents" (parliamentary or internal records types of materials, produced to help both member states and UN organizations operate and govern themselves).
- Index to Proceedings: Annual bibliographic guides to the proceedings & documentation of the major UN organizations, produced by the Dag Hammarskjöld Library at the end of each session/year.
- Official Documentation System (ODS): Provides access to official United Nations documentation, beginning in 1993, including the resolutions of the General Assembly, the Security Council, the Economic and Social Council, and the Trusteeship Council starting from 1946. Does not include press releases, UN sales publications, the UN Treaty Series, information brochures issued by the Department of Public Information, and documents without an assigned symbol.
- UN-iLibrary (1945, on): Freely available United Nations publications.
- United Nations Digital Library: Produced by the Dag Hammarskjöld Library, this database includes UN documents, voting data, speeches, maps, and open access publications, including bibliographic records for print UN documents, from 1979, on.
- For help on using their site, see How to Use the UN Digital Library.
- United Nations Treaty Collection: Databases providing access to the latest information on the status of over 500 major multilateral instruments deposited with the Secretary-General of the United Nations (including the texts of reservations, declarations and objections).
- Yearbook of the United Nations (1946/47, up to 7 years ago): Provides analysis on the year's activities along with coverage of the top "political and security matters, human rights issues, economic and social questions, legal issues, and institutional, administrative and budgetary matters" of the year. Includes the full text of all major General Assembly, Security Council and Economic and Social Council resolutions and decisions, and voting results.
- N.B. Due to the quantity of work and the time needed to research and write a Yearbook, a volume tends to be released only 10 years after any given year. "Pre-press" volumes may exist for 7 to 9 years ago, but are unofficial or incomplete for those years.
- UN Member States: On the Record: Information available for each Member State includes: key documents related to its membership in the UN, statements made before the principal organs, draft resolutions sponsored, periodic reports submitted on Human Rights conventions, and more.
Help Guides:
- About UN Documents: Produced by the Dag Hammarskjöld Library, an overview of United Nations documents, publications, databases and websites.
- Dag Hammarskjöld Library: The central library at the UN Headquarters in New York and the main library for UN depository libraries around the world; their website contains a wealth of guidance on how to find & understand United Nations information.
World Bank
- Research and Publications: The World Bank Group's official publications site.
- World Bank Open Knowledge Repository (OKR): The World Bank’s official open access repository "for its research outputs and knowledge products".
- Policy Research Working Papers
World Health Organization (WHO)
- Publications site for the World Health Organization: Contains books, journals, series and WHO guidelines.
- Institutional Repository for Information Sharing (IRIS): World Health Organization's official repository contains digitized full-text publications back to the 1930s.