Economics: Working papers
The websites of national banks (eg. Bank of Canada, US Federal Reserve) and supranational institutions (eg. World Bank, OECD) are also sources of exploratory documentation.
Conference Board of Canada e-Library
Browse or search by topic and access a variety of reports, on such issues as business and consumer confidence and the economies of Canada's cities and regions.
Canadian Public Documents Collection
The desLibris platform includes both public policy and health research publications, as well as electronic books from many Canadian publishers. Click on "search" in the top right corner and use filters on the left panel to refine results. Advanced search feature is also available.
Centre for Economic Policy Research: Publications
Discussion papers (and more) on current research in economic policy.
Economics Research Network(ERN)
Find working papers written by scholars from around the world.
Symposium Conference Proceedings
Each year since 1978, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City has sponsored a symposium on an important economic issue facing the U.S. and world economies. The proceedings include papers, commentary, and discussion.
National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER)
Locate current and earlier working papers written by scholars and practitioners working in the United States. They may be browsed or searched. NBER working papers are also indexed in ABI/Inform but with a 3-year embargo which means the papers of most recent three years are not available via ABI/Inform.
Covers a wide range of topics. Select Papers under the Catalogue tab. Browse or search papers by title, country or language.
Includes a large collection of on-line Economics working papers, some of which are downloadable.
This Statistics Canada publication is a mixture of monthly economic data and analysis, available from 1998 until 2012. Older issues on microfiche: CA1 BS11 C010
This Statistics Canada publication offers data as well as analysis on contemporary social trends, available from 1998 until 2012. Older issues on Government Documents shelves: CA1 BS11 C008