Electronic collections and databases, searchable.
Abstracts in Anthropology
Abstracts for journal articles for major topics in Anthropology
America: History & Life
Covers Canadian and American history. Comprehensive index, with abstracts, for journal articles and book reviews.
American bibliography of Slavic and East European studies
Print index for articles, books and other publications on Slavic and East European studies. (Needs to be requested from the Annex.)
Anthropology - Oxford Bibliographies
A collection of core resources in anthropology. Selected by experts.
Anthropology Online
Collection of editorials, ethnographies and other resources covering human culture and behaviour.
Anthropology Plus
Citations for articles and other works in anthropology, ethnology, archaeology, folklore and related areas.
Full-text electronic journals from the American Anthropological Association.
Atla Historical Monographs Collection
Monographs from 13th century to early 1900s on religious language, development, and relationships with other issues.
Atla Religion Database with AtlaSerials
Index with some full text for articles and books on religion and theology.
Bibliography of Asian Studies
Index for western-language materials on all subjects pertaining to East, Southeast, and South Asia.
Bibliography of Indigenous Peoples in North America
Contains citations to books, journal articles, essays, conference papers, and government documents.
Cambridge Core
Platform for all books, journal and other publications published by Cambridge University Press.
Cambridge Journals
All journals published by Cambridge University Press, covering humanities, social sciences and science, technology and medicine.
Dissertations & Theses @ Wilfrid Laurier University
WLU doctoral dissertations and master's theses.
doab: directory of open access books
Search tool for tens of thousands of open access academic peer-reviewed books.
Directory providing information and access to open access journals.
Duke University Press: Books
Electronic books published by Duke University Press, primarily in the humanities and social sciences.
EBSCOhost databases (all)
Search all EBSCOhost databases at once.
eHRAF Archaeology
International database with about 60,000 pages of information on prehistory.
eHRAF World Cultures
International ethnography database with several hundred thousand pages of information on human behaviour, society and culture.
Empire Online
Images of original manuscripts and printed materials produced between 1492 and 1962. Covers Africa, the Americas, Australasia, Oceana and South Asia.
Encyclopedia of Postcolonial Studies
Encyclopedia on literary studies after the end of the colonial era.
Encyclopedia of Urban Studies
Full-text articles covering topics on urban studies
Historical Databases
Includes Historical Abstracts and America: History and Life
HLAS Online
Citations to journal articles, books, book chapters, and conference papers in the humanities and social sciences.
Indigenous Peoples of North America
Collection of primary source documents on the Indigenous peoples of North America.
Internet Archive: eBooks and Texts
A collection of more than 20 million freely available books and texts.
Journal Citation Reports
Research tool, developed by ISI, to show the relative importance of journals within subject categories. Includes impact factors.
Current and back issues of journals in arts and sciences.
Medieval Family Life
Medieval documents on the topics of family, business, the law, violence, etc.