Developed by the American Anthropological Association (AAA), this resource includes a search interface and full text for the content of AAA publications. Here is a complete list as of 2019-01-22:
- American Anthropologist
- American Ethnologist
- Annals of Anthropological Practice
- Anthropology & Education Quarterly
- Anthropology & Humanism
- Anthropology News (some recent content is unavailable, being made available only to AAA members)
- Anthropology of Consciousness
- Anthropology of Work Review
- Archeological Papers of the AAA
- Bulletin of National Association of Student Anthropologists (not actively publishing)
- Central Issues in Anthropology (not actively publishing)
- City & Society
- Cultural Anthropology
- Culture, Agriculture, Food and Environment
- CSAS Bulletin (not actively publishing)
- Economic Anthropology
- El Mensajero (not actively publishing)
- Ethnographic Praxis in Industry Conference proceedings
- Ethos
- General Anthropology Bulletin of the General Anthropology Division
- Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology
- Journal of Linguistic Anthropology
- Journal for the Society for the Anthropology of Europe (not actively publishing)
- Medical Anthropology Quarterly
- Museum Anthropology
- North American Dialogue
- Nutritional Anthropology (not actively publishing)
- PoLAR: The Political and Legal Anthropology Review
- SOLGAN (not actively publishing)
- Teaching Anthropology: SACC Notes (not actively publishing)
- Transforming Anthropology
- Visual Anthropology Review
- Voices (not actively publishing)
Some past content is available on the JSTOR platform. In 2015, the AnthroSource interface was improved, called "AnthroSource 2.0" but by the beginning of 2019, the old platform was made unavailable on only available on the Wiley Online Library platform.
Content is discoverable through browsing by publication title, a basic keyword search box at the top of most pages, the advanced search, or the citation search. The advanced search includes multi-field "AND" search in the title, author, abstract or keyword, with publication title and date limits. Boolean operators can be used within each field.
Laurier Library provides access to this entire resource through a direct deal with Wiley.
Resource Details
Full-text electronic journals from the American Anthropological Association.
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Authorized Users:
Laurier Library visitors, Laurier staff students and faculty
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