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19th Century Masterfile see Eight Centuries
8 Centuries see Eight Centuries
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality's National Guideline Clearinghouse see National Guidelines Clearinghouse
AHRQ's National Guideline Clearinghouse see National Guidelines Clearinghouse
archive see arXiv
arXiv Open access archive for pre-print articles on physics, math, computer science, etc. View full description
Berg journals see Taylor & Francis Online
Bloomsbury journals see Taylor & Francis Online
Canadian Historical Association: Register of Dissertations Citation database of dissertations completed and in progress at Canadian universities in history and related fields. View full description
CHA see Canadian Historical Association: Register of Dissertations
Cornell University's arXiv see arXiv
Dissertations, Register of see Canadian Historical Association: Register of Dissertations
Eight Centuries An index to a variety of primary sources from the 12th century up to 1930. View full description
IIAC: Industry Data Securities industry statistics and performance data, bond and money market trading data from the IIAC. View full description
iLibrary, UN see UN-iLibrary
Industry Data see IIAC: Industry Data
Investment Industry Association of Canada: Industry Data see IIAC: Industry Data
Investment Industry Data see IIAC: Industry Data
Journal of Visualized Experiments see jove
jove A video journal publishing experimental techniques in a visual format with detailed text protocols. View full description
LION see Literature Online
Literature Online Full text of more than 355,000 works in English, American and Canadian literature. View full description
Maney Publishing journals see Taylor & Francis Online
Masterfile see Eight Centuries
National Guidelines Clearinghouse Collection of systematically developed clinical guidelines for healthcare decision support. View full description
Nature Publishing Group see The journals published by the Nature Publishing Group, including "Nature" itself. View full description
NGC see National Guidelines Clearinghouse
Nineteenth Century Masterfile see Eight Centuries
NPG see
Paratext's 19th Century Masterfile see Eight Centuries
ProQuest Literature Online see Literature Online
Register of dissertations see Canadian Historical Association: Register of Dissertations
T&F Online see Taylor & Francis Online
Taylor & Francis Online Platform for all electronic journals and reference works published by Taylor & Francis. View full description
UN-iLibrary The books, reports, and journals created by the United Nations. View full description

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Last Updated: October 18, 2022 3:59pm