American Drama 1714-1915
From the resource's description itself: "Containing more than 1,500 dramatic works from the early eighteenth century up to the beginning of the twentieth, American Drama 1714β1915 reflects American dramatic writing in all its richness and diversity: plays in verse, farces, melodramas, minstrel shows, realist plays, frontier plays, temperance dialogues and a range of other genres are represented. Major dramatists include David Belasco, Rachel Crothers, Augustin Daly, Clyde Fitch, Edward Harrigan, James Herne, William Dean Howells and Joaquin Miller." Laurier Library has provided access to this since April 2019.
Resource Details
Collection of American dramatic works from the early eighteenth century up to the beginning of the twentieth.
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Laurier Library visitors, Laurier staff students and faculty
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ProQuest Platform Accessibility Statement, ProQuest Help : Accessibility, Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 | Statement of Compliance