Interface change: All EBSCOhost resources will see a major change in the interface in July 2025 (postponed from January 2025). Personal accounts on that platform should be transferred over with minimal disruption.
America: History & Life
Covers Canadian and American history. Comprehensive index, with abstracts, for journal articles and book reviews.
American Antiquarian Society (AAS) Historical Periodicals Collection
US periodicals from the 1600s, 1700s and 1800s, on a wide variety of topics.
Anthropology Plus
Citations for articles and other works in anthropology, ethnology, archaeology, folklore and related areas.
Atla Historical Monographs Collection
Monographs from 13th century to early 1900s on religious language, development, and relationships with other issues.
Atla Religion Database with AtlaSerials
Index with some full text for articles and books on religion and theology.
Bibliography of Asian Studies
Index for western-language materials on all subjects pertaining to East, Southeast, and South Asia.
Bibliography of Indigenous Peoples in North America
Contains citations to books, journal articles, essays, conference papers, and government documents.
Business Source Complete
Includes scholarly journals, books, case studies, marketing research and other business and economics material.
CINAHL with Full Text
Index for nursing and allied health literature including full text for some content.
Communication & Mass Media Complete
Includes several hundred journals. Can limit to scholarly titles.
Community Music @ EBSCOhost
Selected EBSCOhost databases for Community Music.
Criminal Justice Abstracts with Full Text
Covers journal articles, books, reports, dissertations and unpublished papers.
eBook Academic Collection (EBSCOhost)
Collection of over a hundred thousand full-text electronic books on a variety of topics.
eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)
Collection of several thousand full-text electronic books on a variety of topics.
EBSCOhost databases (all)
Search all EBSCOhost databases at once.
Education Source
Scholarly research and information relating to all areas of education.
ERIC (via EBSCOhost)
Index with education related literature. Includes links to full text on the free version of ERIC.
Exploring Race in Society
Collection of essays, articles and reports to support dialogue on issues surrounding systemic racism.
Film & Television Literature Index with Full Text
Scholarly journals and popular magazines with reviews and critical analysis of film and television.
Film and Media Studies @ EBSCOhost
Selected EBSCOhost databases for Film and Media Studies.
Fine Arts @ EBSCOhost
Selected EBSCOhost databases for Fine Arts.
Global Governance @ EBSCOhost
Selected EBSCOhost databases for Global Governance.
Multidisciplinary database with scholarly, government, and general-interest titles covering all aspects of human impact on the environment
Historical Abstracts
Index of journal articles, books, etc. on world history (NOT Canada or the U.S.) from 1450 to the present.
Historical Databases
Includes Historical Abstracts and America: History and Life
Humanities & Social Sciences Index Retrospective: 1907-1984 (H.W. Wilson)
Interdisciplinary database with articles from more than 1200 English-language periodicals.
International Public Policy @ EBSCOhost
Selected EBSCOhost databases for International Public Policy.
Legal Information @ EBSCOhost
Selected EBSCOhost databases for legal information.
Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts
Index to articles, books, reports, proceedings, etc. about librarianship and information science.
Medieval Studies @ EBSCOhost
Selected EBSCOhost databases for Medieval Studies.
Mental Measurements Yearbook with Tests in Print
Information about and reviews of English-language standardized tests.
MLA Directory of Periodicals (via EBSCOhost)
Lists more than 3,700 periodicals that are covered in the MLA International Bibliography.
MLA International Bibliography (via EBSCOhost)
Comprehensive index for modern languages and literatures providing citations to articles, books, book chapters and dissertations.
Policing & Public Safety @ EBSCOhost
Articles on aboriginal issues, criminal justice, leadership, and training for Policing & Public Safety.
Political Science @ EBSCOhost
Search here after you try Political Science @ ProQuest.
Psychology @ EBSCOhost
Selected EBSCOhost databases for Psychology.
Readers' Guide Full Text Mega
Magazines and journals on various popular topics, with full text.
Readers' Guide Retrospective: 1890-1982
Index to popular magazine content from 1890-1982.
Regional Business News
Index of regional business publications throughout the U.S.
RILM Abstracts of Music Literature
Index to music literature in various formats from around the world.
Social Work @ EBSCOhost
Selected EBSCOhost databases for Social Work.
Social Work Abstracts
Citations and abstracts for articles on social work, social welfare, and related fields.
Sociology @ EBSCOhost
Selected EBSCOhost databases for Sociology.
Spiritual Care and Psychotherapy @ EBSCOhost
Selected EBSCOhost databases for Pastoral Counselling.
International database with citations for materials in sports medicine, exercise physiology, physical education and related fields.
Teacher Reference Center
Index for popular teacher and administrator trade journals, periodicals and books.
Wilson databases (all)
Search the three H. W. Wilson databases we subscribe to on the EBSCOhost platform.
Youth and Children's Studies @ EBSCOhost
Selected EBSCOhost databases for youth and children's studies.