eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)
Resource Overview
Alternate Title(s): NetLibrary, EBSCOhost eBook Collection
Platform: EBSCOhost
Link to Resource
Access: Some books can be read by only one person or a few people at a time. Titles become available immediately upon leaving the book or interface, or after 30 minutes of inactivity.
Restriction: To download some ebooks in this collection, you will need to use Adobe Digital Editions.
Not loading?: Sometimes this is caused by your browser being set to not allow third-party cookies. Set it to allow all cookies and it should resolve the problem.
Interface change: All EBSCOhost resources will see a major change in the interface in July 2025 (postponed from January 2025). Personal accounts on that platform should be transferred over with minimal disruption.
A collection of full-text electronic books, in a wide range of subject areas. Through this resource, Laurier Library provides access to a large collection that used to be known as "NetLibrary" plus many individually purchased titles.
Resource Details
Collection of several thousand full-text electronic books on a variety of topics.
Authorized Users:
Laurier Library visitors, Laurier staff students and faculty
1959 to present
Concurrent User Limit:
Resource Accessibility Statements:
EBSCO Accessibility FAQ, EBSCO eBook Accessibility User Guide and FAQs, EBSCO: Accessibility
Usage Rights: