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Social Work: Find Articles



  • This page lists article databases for Social Work. 
    • Databases fall under 3 categories: 
      1. Start Here - a shortlist of key databases.
      2. More Article Databases - a longlist of key databases.
      3. Article Database Collections - a list of bundled databases.
    • Need help? Contact the Social Work Librarian, Meredith Fischer (



1. Start Here (the Shortlist)

APA PsycInfo®

A comprehensive database for the field of psychology and psychological aspects of related disciplines.

Social Services Abstracts

Citations and abstracts focused on social work, human services, and related areas, including social welfare, social policy, and community development.

2. More Article Databases (the Longlist)


Current and back issues of journals in arts and sciences.

3. Article Database Collections (the Bundles)

Cochrane Library

Collection of seven databases with information on the effects of intervention and prevention in health care.

Social Work @ ProQuest

Selected ProQuest databases for Social Work. Suitable for general searching in social sciences and social services, education, and psychology


Page Owner: Meredith Fischer

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