Social Work: Introduction
Resources: Main
Social Work Abstracts
Citations and abstracts for articles on social work, social welfare, and related fields.
Social Services Abstracts
Citations and abstracts focused on social work, human services, and related areas, including social welfare, social policy, and community development.
APA PsycInfo®
A comprehensive database for the field of psychology and psychological aspects of related disciplines.
Sociological Abstracts
Comprehensive, international coverage of journal articles, books, papers, etc. in sociology and related disciplines.
CINAHL with Full Text
Index for nursing and allied health literature including full text for some content.
Resources: Also Useful
NCJRS Virtual Library
U.S. database with summaries of articles, books and other materials about crime and corrections.
North American Indian Thought and Culture
Full-text biographies, autobiographies, diaries, letters, personal narratives and speeches.
Social Sciences Citation Index
(included in Web of Science)
Criminal Justice Abstracts with Full Text
Covers journal articles, books, reports, dissertations and unpublished papers.
Social Work @ EBSCOhost
Selected EBSCOhost databases for Social Work.
MEDLINE (via ProQuest)
Key index for biomedical and related literature.
Social Work @ ProQuest
Selected ProQuest databases for Social Work. Suitable for general searching in social sciences and social services, education, and psychology
Bibliography of Indigenous Peoples in North America
Contains citations to books, journal articles, essays, conference papers, and government documents.
Cochrane Library
Collection of seven databases with information on the effects of intervention and prevention in health care.
Canadian Business & Current Affairs Database
Provides access to Canadian journals, magazines and news resources on all topics.
ERIC (via ProQuest)
Index with education related literature. Includes links to full text on the free version of ERIC.
Index for assessment, treatment, services and policies relating to stress disorder.
Indigenous Histories and Cultures in North America
Manuscripts, artwork and rare print material on native North American history and European settlement.
Web of Science Core Collection
Citation indexes for the arts & humanities, the social sciences, and the sciences.
I-Portal: Indigenous Studies Portal
Index to articles, books, and other documents related to indigenous peoples of Canada and North America.
Sociology Database
Index and full text collection of literature regarding the sociology and social work.
Applied Social Sciences Index & Abstracts (ASSIA)
Index of literature covering health services, social work, psychology, and sociology.
Sociology Collection
Index and full-text databases covering sociology, social work, and related disciplines.
Course Guides
Course Number Sort descending | Course Title |
SK PhD Workshop Series | Citation Management |
SK PhD Workshop Series | Literature Review |
SK111 | Introduction to Social Welfare |
SK432 | Health Care and Social Work Practice |
SK504 | Research 1 |
SK615 | Research 2 |
SK651 | Advanced Social Work Practice with Individuals |
Social Work | Searching for Indigenous Scholarship |