Asian Wisdom Traditions
Course Number: TH503F
Subject: Theological Education
Omni introduction
Omni Library search is the Laurier Library's centralized search interface. It includes:
- books and ebooks from Laurierand 17 other Ontario University Libraries
- articles (online)
- audio and video (physical and online)
- more (government documents, reports)
- View one of our Omni video tutorials to learn more
When you find an item in Omni, you can either
- view it online if it is digital
- find the call number and locate it on the shelves in the library
- request a chapter via Scan on Demand
- request an item from another library
Tutorial: Use Omni to locate known items.
- e.g., Sikka, S., & Peetush, A. (2021). Asian philosophies and the idea of religion: beyond faith and reason. Routledge.
Oxford Bibliographies
Oxford Bibliographies are created by scholars and librarians worldwide across a variety of subject areas, and combine "the best features of an annotated bibliography and a high-level encyclopedia." Some of the bibliographies relevant to this course include:
Very Short Introductions
Oxford's Very Short Introductions offer concise and readable introductions to a wide range of subject written by subject experts. Some of the VSI titles relevant to this course include:
Encyclopedias and Handbooks
Start here: Encyclopedia of Asian Philosophy
The following links lead to Omni search results of reference materials (encyclopedia, handbooks, etc)
None of these searches yield perfect results, and sometimes seemingly unrelated items appear in the results list.
Books (and more)
- Omni
- On a results page, choose "Books and eBooks" as resource type
- eBook collections
- An Omni search locates items if your search terms are in the author, title, subject, etc. fields.
- Search one of the following eBook collections Full text access to a wide range of scholarly journals. Useful for finding specific and/or obscure terms that might be buried within an article.
And more...
- On the left side of Omni results, note the other types of resources. In particular:
- audio
- video
- Omni
- On a results page, choose "Articles" as resource type
- A wide range of journal articles...sometimes too wide with too many results.
- Atla Religion Database
- index for materials on subjects related to religion and theology.
- Bibliography of Asian Studies
- Index for western-language materials on all subjects pertaining to East, Southeast, and South Asia.
- NOTE: many of the referenced items will need to be requested through interlibrary loan
- Full text access to a wide range of scholarly journals. Useful for finding specific and/or obscure terms that might be buried within an article. Also includes some images from ArtSTOR.
Dissertations & Theses
- ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global
- Useful for finding specific and/or obscure terms that might be buried within an theses. Great source of bibliographic material.