Biology: Introduction
Welcome to the Biology Subject Guide! The resources below are databases that specialize in scholarly literature in biology and life sciences.
Resources: Start Here
BIOSIS Citation Index
Life science database with citation information.
Resources: Main
Biological Science Collection
Citations and abstracts to research in biomedicine, biotechnology, zoology and ecology.
Web of Science Core Collection
Citation indexes for the arts & humanities, the social sciences, and the sciences.
Resources: Also Useful
BioOne Complete
Books and journals in the biological, ecological, and environmental sciences.
NAL Catalog
The National Agricultural Library (NAL) Catalog (Agricola) provides citations to agricultural literature.
Multidatabase search tool for information on toxicology, hazardous chemicals, environmental health, and toxic releases.
Journals and books published by Elsevier, primarily in the sciences.
Free biomedical literature search tool, composed primarily of Medline but including additional information.
MEDLINE (via ProQuest)
Key index for biomedical and related literature.
Cochrane Library
Collection of seven databases with information on the effects of intervention and prevention in health care.
Citations for journal articles and conference proceedings on teratology and other aspects of developmental toxicology.
Comprehensive access to the literature in physics, computing, engineering, and information technology.
Plant Science (via ProQuest)
Citations and abstracts of scientific literature on plant science.
CAS Source Index (CASSI) Search Tool
Search tool for publications indexed by CAS since 1907.
Oxford Reference: Life Sciences
Encyclopedia of Evolution
Full-text articles on concepts and people related to evolutionary biology.
Encyclopedia of Bioprocess Technology
Up-to-date, comprehensive, searchable theories and applications ofthe biotechnology industry.