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Policing & Public Safety @ ProQuest
Articles on policy, psychology, social issues, diversity, leadership, and training for Policing & Public Safety.
Political Risk Yearbook
Country reports with political and economic information.
Political Science @ EBSCOhost
Search here after you try Political Science @ ProQuest.
Political Science @ ProQuest
Comprehensive search through major Political Science databases.
Political Science Database
Index for journal articles on international relations and political science.
Popular Culture in Britain and America, 1950-1975
Primary source material concerning social, political and cultural changes from 1950-1975.
Population Index
Worldwide demographic and population literature.
Project Gutenberg
Collection of tens of thousands of free, mostly US-public-domain books.
Project MUSE
Full-text books and peer reviewed journals in the humanities and social sciences.
ProQuest databases (all)
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ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global
International database with full text and/or abstracts for doctoral dissertations and selected master's theses.
ProQuest Ebook Central
Ebook platform for many full-text scholarly, trade, and university press titles acquired by Laurier Library.
ProQuest Historical Annual Reports
Full-text company reports.
ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Calgary Herald
Searchable full-page archive of the newspaper, Calgary Herald.
ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Montreal Gazette
Searchable full-page archive of the newspaper, Montreal Gazette.
ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Ottawa Citizen
Searchable full-page archive of the newspaper, Ottawa Citizen.
ProQuest Historical Newspapers: The Globe and Mail
Full text of the Globe and Mail newspaper, from 1844 up to four years ago.
ProQuest Historical Newspapers: The New York Times
Full-text page images.
ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Toronto Star
Searchable full-page archive of the newspaper, Toronto Star.
ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Vancouver Sun
Searchable full-page archive of the newspaper, Vancouver Sun.
ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Waterloo Region Record
Full text image access to the Waterloo Region Record and all previous versions.
ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Windsor Star
Searchable full-page archive of the newspaper, Windsor Star.
ProQuest One Business
Search tool for business and management publications.
ProQuest Recent Newspapers: National Post
Searchable full-page access to the newspaper The National Post.
Psychology - Oxford Bibliographies
A collection of core resources in psychology. Selected by experts.
Psychology @ EBSCOhost
Selected EBSCOhost databases for Psychology.
Psychology @ ProQuest
Comprehensive search through major Psychology databases.
Collection of training videos for mental health professionals.
Index for assessment, treatment, services and policies relating to stress disorder.
A public chemistry database for chemical and physical properties, biological activities, safety data and toxicity information, literature citations and patents.