Electronic collections and databases, searchable.
Music - Oxford Bibliographies
A collection of core resources in music. Selected by experts.
Music @ ProQuest
Selected ProQuest databases for Music.
Music & Performing Arts
Streaming audio and video plus scores and reference works.
Music Online: Classical Music Library
Music-streaming program. Browse by composer, artist, conductor, ensemble, instrument, genre, period, or label.
Music Online: Classical Music Reference Library
Baker's Biographical Dictionary and other reference sources.
Music Online: Classical Scores Library
Classical music scores, manuscripts and unpublished material.
Music Online: Contemporary World Music
Large streaming audio collection of world music.
Music Online: Opera in Video
Opera performances on video plus interviews and documentaries.
Music Online: Smithsonian Global Sound for Libraries
A music streaming program for world music, spoken word, and natural sound recordings.
Music Online: The Garland Encyclopedia of World Music
Reference articles on world music topics with audio examples, musical illustrations, photographs, and drawings.
Music Periodicals Database
Index and full text for international music periodicals, from scholarly journals to popular sources.
Interactive online guide and toolkit to support working abroad. Create an account using your Laurier e-mail.
NAL Catalog
The National Agricultural Library (NAL) Catalog (Agricola) provides citations to agricultural literature.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Citations to journal articles, conference papers and other NASA aerospace technical literature.
National Academies Press
Over 4,000 free PDF ebooks in science, engineering and medicine. Requires free registration.
National Film Board of Canada
Thousands of documentaries, animations, and alternative dramas produced by the National Film Board of Canada.
National Geographic Society Publications Index
Index to the society's publications, including articles, books, maps and CD-ROMs.
National Guidelines Clearinghouse
Collection of systematically developed clinical guidelines for healthcare decision support.
The journals published by the Nature Publishing Group, including "Nature" itself.
Naxos Music Library
Streaming music from hundreds of labels, in particular for classical music.
NBER Working Papers
Accesses NBER working papers in PDF format.
NCJRS Virtual Library
U.S. database with summaries of articles, books and other materials about crime and corrections.
Standard and Poor's Industry Surveys and the Register of Corporations, Directors, and Executives.
Nexis Uni
Full-text documents for international news, business, legal research, and key people in the news.
Nineteenth Century UK Periodicals
Scans of British newspapers published from 1800 to 1900.
North American Immigrant Letters, Diaries, and Oral Histories
Full-text personal narratives of immigrants to the United States and Canada.
North American Indian Drama: Second Edition
Collection of plays by Indigenous playwrights of Turtle Island from the twentieth century.
North American Indian Thought and Culture
Full-text biographies, autobiographies, diaries, letters, personal narratives and speeches.
North American Women's Drama
Full-text plays, chiefly American with some Canadian content.
North American Women's Letters and Diaries: Colonial to 1950
Thousands of pages of diaries and letters from hundreds of women in North America.