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NCJRS Virtual Library

Resource Overview

Alternate Title(s): National Criminal Justice Reference Service, NCJRS Abstracts Database

Platform: NCJRS

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"The National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS) Virtual Library hosts a collection of over 235,000 information resources on criminal justice subjects, including corrections, courts, drugs, law enforcement, juvenile justice, victims of crime, and related topics. The Virtual Library provides access to all known [US Department of Justice: Office of Justice Programs] works and sponsored research, as well as to thousands of government products, research reports, journal articles, and published and unpublished literature produced through 2014."

Laurier Library has supported access to this freely available resource for many years. By August 2024, this resource saw a major interface change.

For more information about the library, go the NCJRS Virtual Library front page.

Resource Details


U.S. database with summaries of articles, books and other materials about crime and corrections.

Authorized Users:





1970 to present

Resource Accessibility Statements:

US Department of Justice: Accessibility Statement

Page Owner: Matt Thomas

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