Electronic collections and databases, searchable.
21st Century Criminology: A Reference Handbook
Full-text articles on criminology.
21st Century Sociology
Provides a timely and comprehensive assessment of the 100+ specialty fields of Sociology
Black Women in America
Reference work covering the achievements and contributions of African American women.
Cambridge Histories
Historical summaries providing larger perspectives on a variety of subjects.
Canadian Encyclopedia Online
Contains the full text of the encyclopedia, with regular updates.
Canterbury Dictionary of Hymnology
Reference resource on hymns from around the world, historical and contemporary. Requires log in.
Chicago Manual of Style Online
Style guide for American English grammar, usage, and document preparation.
Concise Encyclopedia of Western Philosophy, The
Major encyclopedia with entries written by leading philosophy scholars.
CPA Canada Standards and Guidance Collection (CPACHB)
Provides access to the CPA's Accounting Handbook and additional resources.
CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics
The most recent edition of a handbook of key data, constants, terms in chemistry and physics.
Dictionary of Human Geography
Provides short, academic surveys of key terms by scholars in the field.
Dictionary of Media and Communications
Dictionary of terms and chronology of significant developments. Published 2009.
Encyclopedia of Ancient History
Collection of twenty-first century scholarship on the ancient Mediterranean world.
Encyclopedia of Asian Philosophy
Major encyclopedia focusing on important aspects of Asian philosophy.
Encyclopedia of Bioprocess Technology
Up-to-date, comprehensive, searchable theories and applications ofthe biotechnology industry.
Encyclopedia of Case Study Research
Full-text encyclopedia articles on topics related to case study research.
Encyclopedia of Environment and Society
Full-text articles on people, organizations, movements, climate, politics and other relevant topics
Encyclopedia of Evolution
Full-text articles on concepts and people related to evolutionary biology.
Encyclopedia of Global Brands
Origins, marketing, development and the future of well-known brands.
Encyclopedia of Global Change
Full-text articles on climate change, ecosystems, food and water supply, population, politics and other relevant subjects.
Encyclopedia of Global Warming and Climate Change
Full-text articles on global warming, climate change and other relevant topics.
Encyclopedia of Health Services Research
Full-text articles on topics dealing with health services
Encyclopedia of Human Rights
Human rights theory, practice, law and history. Online version of five-volume print edition.
Encyclopedia of Inorganic Chemistry
A great resource on inorganic chemistry.
Encyclopedia of journalism
Entries focus on the gathering, editing, reporting, and distribution of news. Published 2009. Originally six volumes in print.
Encyclopedia of Law & Society: American and Global Perspectives
Covers important knowledge about law and society from an interdisciplinary perspective.
Encyclopedia of law and higher education
Full-text reference articles covering topics on law and higher education.
Encyclopedia of Literature in Canada
Entries on writers, writing and cultural history.
Encyclopedia of Medical Decision Making
Full-text articles covering topics concerning medical decision making
Encyclopedia of New Religious Movements
Full-text articles covering various new global religious movements.