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HLAS Online Citations to journal articles, books, book chapters, and conference papers in the humanities and social sciences. View full description
Hopkins Guide to Literary Theory and Criticism see Johns Hopkins Guide to Literary Theory & Criticism
House of Commons Hansard (UK) see Hansard Online
House of Commons Parliamentary Papers see U.K. Parliamentary Papers
House of Lords Hansard (UK) see Hansard Online
HRAF Archaeology see eHRAF Archaeology
HRAF World Cultures see eHRAF World Cultures
Human Relations Area Files: Archaeology see eHRAF Archaeology
Human Relations Area Files: World Cultures see eHRAF World Cultures
Humanities & Social Sciences Index Retrospective: 1907-1984 (H.W. Wilson) Interdisciplinary database with articles from more than 1200 English-language periodicals. View full description
Humanities and Social Sciences Retrospective see Humanities & Social Sciences Index Retrospective: 1907-1984 (H.W. Wilson)
I-Portal: Indigenous Studies Portal Index to articles, books, and other documents related to indigenous peoples of Canada and North America. View full description
IASB International Financial Reporting Standards see CPA Canada Standards and Guidance Collection (CPACHB)
IBIO see North American Indian Thought and Culture
IBIS World see IBISWorld
IBISWorld Industry market research reports. View full description
ICPSR US and international datasets in criminology, demography, economics, health, political science, and sociology. View full description
IDRC Digital Library A repository of international development related research results and documents generated by IDRC funds and staff. View full description
IEEE Xplore Digital Library Electrical and computer engineering journals, conference proceedings and standards from IEEE/IET. View full description
IEEE/IET Electronic Library see IEEE Xplore Digital Library
IEL see IEEE Xplore Digital Library
IFRS see CPA Canada Standards and Guidance Collection (CPACHB)
IFS see International Financial Statistics (IFS)
IHCNA see Indigenous Histories and Cultures in North America
IIAC: Industry Data Securities industry statistics and performance data, bond and money market trading data from the IIAC. View full description
IIMP see Music Periodicals Database
iLibrary, UN see UN-iLibrary
Illustrated London News Historical Archive 1842-2003 see The Illustrated London News
Illustrated London News, The see The Illustrated London News
Imagine Canada see Grant Connect
IMF International Financial Statistics (IFS) see International Financial Statistics (IFS)
InCites Essential Science Indicators Science performance statistics and science trends data. View full description
InCites Journal Citation Reports see Journal Citation Reports
Income Tax Guide, Canada see CCH AnswerConnect
Index Chemicus see Web of Science Core Collection
Index of downloadable Statistics Canada publications Electronic copies of Statistics Canada publications from the past and present. View full description
India Office Records see East India Company
Indigenous Histories and Cultures in North America Manuscripts, artwork and rare print material on native North American history and European settlement. View full description
Indigenous Newspapers in North America Historic pressings, contemporary periodicals and more on 200 years of indigenous print journalism from the US and Canada. View full description
Indigenous Peoples of North America Collection of primary source documents on the indigenous peoples of North America. View full description
indigenous studies portal research tool see I-Portal: Indigenous Studies Portal
Industry Canada Reports, statistics and other government publications on business and technology topics. View full description
Industry Data see IIAC: Industry Data
Industry Norms see Industry Norms & Key Business Ratios, 2011 edition (via CHASS)
Industry Norms & Key Business Ratios, 2011 edition (via CHASS) Contains industry norms, starting in 2000, with twice yearly updates (Spring & Fall). View full description
Info Desk see Canada's Information Resource Centre
Infobase : Films on demand see Films on demand
Infobase : World Cinema see Films on demand : world cinema
Infobase : World News Digest see World News Digest
ingentaconnect Academic and professional journals in various subject areas by various publishers. View full description

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