Electronic collections and databases, searchable.
Canadian Census Analyzer
Census Profiles tables by census geography or by census year, plus Microdata Files and Postal Code Conversion Files.
Canadian socio-economic statistical data. For advanced users.
CANSIM @ Statistics Canada
Canadian socio-economic statistical data.
Canadian advertising rates and data for media
CFMRC/TSX Database Annual Update
Toronto Stock Exchange historical data hosted on the U of T CHASS platform.
CRSP Databases: CRSP US Stock and CRSP Historical Indexes
Security prices and other historical data for more than 20,000 companies from the New York Stock Exchange, AMEX and NASDAQ.
EIKON and Datastream
An international historical financial database
Europa World
Contains political and economic information and selected data on countries and organizations worldwide.
Financial Performance Data
Industry Canada's performance benchmark data for financial planning of start-up and established small and medium sized businesses.
Financial Performance Indicators for Canadian Business
NAICS key financial ratios in downloadable files organized by year, region and operating revenue.
Industry market research reports.
Industry Canada
Reports, statistics and other government publications on business and technology topics.
International Financial Statistics (IFS)
Financial data about the member countries in the IMF available in tables or through queries.
Key Business Ratios
Industry benchmarking data for public and private companies.
Market Share Reporter
Presents comparative business statistics with an immediate overview of companies, products and services and cites original sources
Repository of socio-economic survey, census, and polling data from Statistics Canada, Ipsos Reid, Gallup, etc.
Euromonitor's market research data for countries and companies.
Company information data and analytical tools.
Risk Management Association: Search Statement Studies
Financial composite data for U.S. companies (and some non-U.S.).
WRDS: Wharton Research Data Services
Contains company finances as well as equity and fixed income data, and is intended for in-depth financial and accounting research.