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Institutional Repository see Scholars Commons @ Laurier
Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) database see Parline
INTER-PLAY Index to plays in books & periodicals. View full description
International Development Research Centre Digital Library see IDRC Digital Library
International Financial Statistics (IFS) Financial data about the member countries in the IMF available in tables or through queries. View full description
International Monetary Fund (IMF) International Financial Statistics (IFS) see International Financial Statistics (IFS)
Internet Archive: eBooks and Texts A collection of more than 20 million freely available books and texts. View full description
Internet Archive: Moving Image Archive Thousands of videos ranging from classic full-length movies, to daily alternative news broadcasts, to user-uploaded videos of every genre. View full description
Internet Archives' Archive-It see Archive-It
Investment Industry Association of Canada: Industry Data see IIAC: Industry Data
Investment Industry Data see IIAC: Industry Data
IPU Parline see Parline
ITRD see TRID: the TRIS and ITRD database
Laurier's Scholars Commons see Scholars Commons @ Laurier
Law Library Microform Consortium Digital Open Access see LLMC Digital Open Access
LILACS Scientific and technical health literature of Latin America and the Caribbean. View full description
List of online newspaper archives (via Wikipedia) see Wikipedia:List of online newspaper archives
Literary Index Indexes Gale publications: biographies and literary criticism. View full description
LLMC Digital Open Access An international collection of key historic legal texts and executive, legislative and judicial government documents. View full description
Media Catalog Search (no longer available) A database of media included in the Laurier collection and other collections across Ontario. View full description
MIA see Internet Archive: Moving Image Archive
Moving Image Archive see Internet Archive: Moving Image Archive
NAL Catalog The National Agricultural Library (NAL) Catalog (Agricola) provides citations to agricultural literature. View full description
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) Citations to journal articles, conference papers and other NASA aerospace technical literature. View full description
National Academies Press Over 4,000 free PDF ebooks in science, engineering and medicine. Requires free registration. View full description
National Agricultural Library Catalog see NAL Catalog
National Criminal Justice Reference Service see NCJRS Abstracts Database
National Geographic Society Publications Index Index to the society's publications, including articles, books, maps and CD-ROMs. View full description
National Guidelines Clearinghouse Collection of systematically developed clinical guidelines for healthcare decision support. View full description
National parliaments database see Parline
NCJRS Abstracts Database U.S. database with summaries of articles, books and other materials about crime and corrections. View full description
Newspaper archives, Wikipedia:List of online see Wikipedia:List of online newspaper archives
NGC see National Guidelines Clearinghouse
NTRS see NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
OAPEN : Online library and publication platform Open access academic books covering a variety of subjects. View full description
ODS Search see Official Documentation System
Official Documentation System Includes all types of official United Nations (UN) freely available, full-text documents. Does not include sales publications or treaties. View full description
Official Report of all parliamentary debates, The (UK) see Hansard Online
OLH see Open Library of Humanities
Ontario Physical Activity Standards in Education see Ophea : Ontario Physical Activity Standards in Education
Ontario Physical Education Safety Guidelines see Ophea : Ontario Physical Activity Standards in Education
Open Access Publishing in European Networks see OAPEN : Online library and publication platform
Open Library of Humanities Open access journals in the humanities. View full description
Ophea : Ontario Physical Activity Standards in Education Standards documents for managing risk in physical activities in Ontario school boards. View full description
OPHEA Safety Guidelines see Ophea : Ontario Physical Activity Standards in Education
OTA see Oxford Text Archive
Our Ontario: Newspapers Over 200 years of community newspapers from across Ontario. View full description
Oxford Text Archive Thousands of texts collected, organized, preserved and made available by University of Oxford's Bodleian Libraries. View full description see Hansard Online
Parline For all countries with a national legislature, includes parliamentary and electoral information. View full description

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Last Updated: October 18, 2022 3:59pm