Electronic collections and databases, searchable.
Africa Portal
Full text collection of publications about policy-related issues on Africa.
Archived collections for a variety of institutions, including our own Laurier Archives.
Open access archive for pre-print articles on physics, math, computer science, etc.
Bibliographie der deutschen Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft
German-language articles, books and other publications.
Bioline International : Active Journals by Country
Open access bioscience journals from developing countries. Laurier Library supports this collection.
BMC: Journals
Collection of more than 200 peer-reviewed open access biomedical journals.
borealis: The Canadian Dataverse Repository
Repository for research data collected by individuals and organizations associated with Ontario universities.
Bryn Mawr Classical Review
Book reviews of current scholarly works in classical studies, including archaeology.
Campbell Library
Systematic reviews and other evidence synthesis to promote positive social and economic change.
Canadian Encyclopedia Online
Contains the full text of the encyclopedia, with regular updates.
Canadian Foreign Relations Index
Index to articles, books, research papers, government documents, etc.
Canadian Health Monitoring and Surveillance Reports
Statistics and data for a range of years from Health Canada.
Canadian Historical Association: Register of Dissertations
Citation database of dissertations completed and in progress at Canadian universities in history and related fields.
Canadian Music Periodical Index
Citations to articles from Canadian music journals, newsletters and magazines.
Canadiana: Héritage
Canadian historical primary documents.
CANSIM @ Statistics Canada
Canadian socio-economic statistical data.
CAS Source Index (CASSI) Search Tool
Search tool for publications indexed by CAS since 1907.
CBC Digital Archives
CBC radio and television news clips, interviews, and more, documenting numerous aspects of Canadian life and history. Includes excerpts from the classic documentary series, This Hour Has Seven Days
Central and Eastern European Online Library
Citations for articles, electronic books and documents about Central and Eastern Europe.
A free service that provides structure-based chemistry information.
Child Welfare Information Gateway
Links to information and publications for the well-being of children and families.
CiteSeer: Scientific Literature Digital Library
Covers literature in computer and information science.
COLD Database
Citations to journals, books, technical reports and conference proceedings
Citations for journal articles and conference proceedings on teratology and other aspects of developmental toxicology.
Dictionary of Canadian Biography Online
Historical, biographical dictionary with scholarly articles on thousands of individuals.
Digital Commons Network
Collection of content from hundreds of institutional repositories using the Digital Commons platform.
doab: directory of open access books
Search tool for tens of thousands of open access academic peer-reviewed books.
Directory providing information and access to open access journals.
The US Security and Exchange Commission’s database of public company information
Elections Canada: Past Elections
Federal election results, by candidate, riding, or district.