Resource Overview
Alternate Title(s): Inspec Archive, Engineering Village: Inspec
Platform: Engineering Village
Link to Resource
Produced by the Institution of Engineering and Technology (formerly by the Institution of Electrical Engineers), Inspec provides citations, with abstracts, to the world's scientific and technical literature in physics and astronomy, electrical engineering, electronics, communications, control engineering, computers and computing, and, information technology. Sources include each issue of thousands of journals and conference proceedings, as well as books, reports, and occasional publications. Inspec corresponds to the print publications: Physics Abstracts, Electrical & Electronics Abstracts and Computer & Control Abstracts. Search functionality is the same as for the Engineering Village platform.
Laurier Library subscribes to both the current Inspec index going back to 1967, as well as the archive, adding literature back to from 1898 to the search. For more information, see: The IET page on Inspec Elsevier's page on Inspec
Resource Details
Comprehensive access to the literature in physics, computing, engineering, and information technology.
Subjects Covered:
Biology, Chemistry and Biochemistry, Computer Science, Health Studies, Mathematics, Physics
Authorized Users:
Laurier Library visitors, Laurier staff students and faculty
1898 to present
Platform Accessibility Statements:
Usage Rights: