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Canada's Information Resource Centre

Resource Overview

Alternate Title(s): Canada Info Desk, CIRC, Info Desk, Associations Canada, Canadian Almanac & Directory, Canadian Environmental Resource Guide, Canadian Parliamentary Guide, Canadian Who’s Who, Financial Services Canada, Governments Canada, Health Guide Canada, History of Canada, Libraries Canada, Major Canadian Cities Compared & Ranked

Platform: Grey House Publishing

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This resource provides access to several Canadian reference works.

  • Associations Canada
  • Canadian Almanac & Directory
  • Canadian Environmental Resource Guide
  • Canadian Parliamentary Guide
  • Canadian Who's Who
  • Cannabis Canada
  • Financial Services Canada
  • FP Bonds - Corporate
  • FP Bonds - Government
  • FP Equities - Preferreds & Derivatives
  • FP Directory of Directors
  • FP Survey - Industrials
  • FP Survey - Mines and Energy
  • FP Survey - Predecessor and Defunct
  • Health Guide Canada
  • History of Canada
  • Governments Canada
  • Libraries Canada
  • Major Canadian Cities 

Laurier Library provides access to all of the above resources within this product.

Resource Details




Several Canadian reference resources in one search interface.

Types (Business):

Directory, Industry information



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Page Owner: Matt Thomas

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Last Updated: May 2, 2024 2:59pm