Law and Society: Books & eBooks
This page contains lists of suggested subject-specific titles, which researchers may want to include in their search. Also includes a list of newer titles.
Researchers should also try browsing the book stacks! Most law materials are located in the collection under call numbers starting with the letter K. Go to the library and browse those shelves for additional book suggestions, or try Omni's Virtual Browse feature for physical books housed at Laurier.
Newest Books and eBooks in Omni
This link will take you to a list of relevant book titles added to the library collection since 2024. You can use the modifiers to narrow your focus, or add keywords to change the search.
Suggested Titles in Omni
This link takes you to a list of suggested titles that may be useful to those in the Law & Society program.
Suggested Indigenous Law Resources in Omni
This link takes you to a list of suggested titles that may be of use to those studying the impact Canadian and international laws have on Indigenous peoples.
Other Libraries
You can also try browsing the Canadian Police College Library's collection, or the Public Safety Canada Library & Information Centre's catalogue. If they have something we don't, you can try to borrow those titles by placing a loan request using Omni's Resource Sharing Form.