Education: Websites
This is a small selection of useful material for teaching found on the web.
1. Canadian sites:
- Canada: A People's History This web site is based on the CBC TV series. It includes a time-line, audio-visual downloads and a bibliography and reading list for each episode.
- OISE is currently digitizing the curriculum and regulations portion of our Ontario Historical Education Collections. It is not yet complete but worth a look
- Ontario Curriculum Documents (includes exemplars)
- Ontario Native Literacy Coalition
2. American sites:
- What Works Clearinghouse (from the Institute of Education Sciences' National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance. The IES is the "statistics, research, and evaluation arm" of the U.S. Department of Education.) "For more than a decade, the WWC has been a central and trusted source of scientific evidence on education programs, products, practices, and policies. We review the research, determine which studies meet rigorous standards, and summarize the findings. We focus on high-quality research to answer the question “what works in education?”"
- Haudenosaunee guide for Educators (from the Smithsonian)