Geography and Environmental Studies: Dictionaries & Encyclopedias
The following are a selection of available reference items. To find more, search Omni for your keywords and include "dictionaries" or "encyclopedias" as a subject term.
A Dictionary of Human Geography / Alasdair Rogers, Noel Castree, and Rob Kitchin (eds.)
- Oxford University Press, 2013.
- Provides short, academic surveys of key terms by scholars in the field. 5th ed., 2009.
Dictionary of Environment and Conservation / Chris C. Park and Michael Allaby (eds.)
- Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2017.
Dictionary of Environmental Science and Engineering / James R. Pfafflin, Edward N. Ziegler, and Joseph M. Lynch.
- New York, N.Y. ; London : Routledge, 2008. Print location: WLU (Waterloo) 2nd Floor Reference - GE10 .P43 2008
Ecology basics / edited by the editors of Salem Press.
- Pasadena, Calif. : Salem Press, 2004. Print location: Waterloo, QH540.4 .E39
Encyclopedia of Coastal Science
- Scholarly, interdisciplinary treatment of coastal science contributed by experts. Springer, 2005.
Encyclopedia of Environment and Society
- Combines major issues, concepts, and problems concerning the interaction between humans and nature. Sage, 2007.
Online, 6-volume set with over 1,200 entries in six major fields in geography written by experts. Sage, 2010.
- Full text articles on ecosystems, climate change, food and water supply, population, and more.
Encyclopedia of Human Geography
- More than 300 entries written by scholars in their respective fields. Sage, 2006.
- Full-text articles covering covering the salient aspects of soil physics, chemistry, biology, fertility, technology, genesis, morphology, classification and geomorphology.
Encyclopedia of World Climatology
- Authoritative source with full-text articles; covers all the main subfields of climatology, supplies information on climates in major continental areas, and explains the intricacies of climatic processes.
Facts on file dictionary of environmental science / Bruce C. Wyman and L. Harold Stevenson.
New York : Facts on File, 2007. Print location: Waterloo book shelves - TD9 .W95 2007
Gale Virtual Reference Library
- Includes the Environmental Encyclopedia, Geo-data : the world geographical encyclopedia, and more.
Oxford Companion to Global Change
- Full text articles on the relations between technological, social, demographic, economic, and political factors as well as biological, chemical, and physical systems. Oxford University Press: 2009.
Oxford Reference: Earth Sciences and Climatology
- Full-text interdisciplinary scholarly encyclopdias and dictionaries in the field of Environmental Studies.
- Full-text encyclopedias for all the social sciences. Includes Encyclopedia of GIS, Encyclopedia of Global Warming and Climate Change, Encyclopedia of Environment and Society, Encyclopedia of Human Geography, and more.