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BU412 Services Marketing Management

Course Number: BU412

Subject: Business

This guide is created to support your research for the Service Redesign project. You can search for articles on the topic of service marketing and musculoskeletal care. Use the resources to find industry information, including competitive environment, competitors, market shares, trends, outlook, and more.

Finding Articles


You may use Omni (the library catalogue) to search for different types of articles like scholarly or trade titles.

  • Go to the library homepage
  • Click on Omni Advanced Search which offers you options for search (by keyword, title, author, publisher, subject, etc.).       
  • On the result page you may refine results by publication type, publication date, subject, language and more, or only show peer-reviewed documents. Consult Getting started with Omni and more tutorials for guidance.

Article Databases

Business Source Complete

A comprehensive database for leading business journals including scholarly, trade, and news titles. Search with keywords related to your research. On the search results page, click on Subject: Thesaurus Terms on the left side to filter your search by subject. You may also limit your search to full text and filter by geography, date, etc. located on the left side of the search results page.

ProQuest One Business

This collection includes databases which contain business and management publications, including scholarly, trade, and news titles. 

Scholars Portal Journals

This resource provides access to the full text of scholarly journal articles. Search with keywords related to your research. Click the link to subject terms below an article title to find more articles grouped under a specific subject quickly.

Search Tips

These tips may apply to searching through Omni or the article databases mentioned above.

  • Start broad, use keywords and/or subject terms (subject headings). Connect terms using Boolean operators: AND, OR, NOT.  Examples: therapy OR care, promotion OR marketing
  • Use quotation marks if you wish to search terms together as a phrase. e.g. "service marketing", "musculoskeletal care"
  • Click on ? or Tips links (usually found near the search box) for additional search techniques such as how to use truncation and wildcard symbols as well as proximity operators.
  • Too many results? Narrow your search by publication date, geographic location, source type, etc.
  • Look for "Full-text" links or try the "Get it at Laurier" button for more options.

Key Resources for Industry Research

NAICS is a comprehensive system encompassing all economic activities. It has a hierarchical structure to classify industries. Type keywords in the search box, e.g. chiropractor, you will find "621310 Offices of chiropractors" from the results. This industry classification is applied in many library databases and is helpful for your further research on this particular industry.

Industry reports that include an industry outlook, an overview of the competitive landscape and key statistics. Search by keyword (e.g. physical therapy) and limit to geography: Canada, U.S. or China. 

Contains market research data, i.e. information on consumer lifestyles. Enter "lifestyles Canada" in the search box and select the country report. 

Contains thousands of tables and reports from all fields and provides fast access to a large range of the latest statistics available in Canada. Enter keywords into the search box. Filter by subject, geography or survey if applicable before running a search. To use a data table, click on the title and use "Add/Remove Data" tab to get customized data. 

Presents and analyzes industry data on a number of economic indicators using the latest annual data sources from Statistics Canada. Enter keywords (e.g. chiropractor) or NAICS code (e.g. 621310) in the search box. 

Citing Sources

The resources below will help you create and use citations in your report effectively and correctly.

The Laurier Library provides guidance on citing in APA and other styles. You may watch a tutorial on how to cite.

Developed by business librarians at Bronfman Business Library at York University, this guide puts together great examples on citing business resources including books, articles, industry reports, company reports, and analyst reports from databases.

The Laurier Library provides guidance on citing AI tools like ChatGPT both in-text and in the reference list in APA and other styles. 

Page Owner: Yanli Li

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