Electronic collections and databases, searchable.
The Hill Times
Independently-owned newsweekly based in Ottawa, covering Canadian foreign policy in depth.
The Hill Times (issues)
Independently-owned twice-weekly news publication based in Ottawa, covering Canadian politics and foreign policy.
The Illustrated London News
Searchable text plus page images of all issues of the "Illustrated London News".
The international encyclopedia of geography : people, the Earth, environment, and technology
Encyclopedia articles on geography related topics.
The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics
Regularly updated dictionary of economics.
The Times Digital Archive
Searchable full-text images of every page of the London Times newspaper.
The World Factbook
Information on countries of the world prepared by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency.
Theatre (via Alexander Street)
Combined access to all the theatre-related collections available from Alexander Street.
Theatre in Video: Volume I
Video collection of plays and film documentaries.
Theses Canada
Index to doctoral dissertations and masters theses in all subject areas produced at Canadian universities.
Search directory by product or company for U.S. and Canadian information.
Toronto Stock Exchange : eReview
Newsletters on common stock and market indices.
TOXLINE (via ProQuest)
Citations for journal articles, monographs, technical reports and other materials in all areas of toxicology.
TOXLINE (via TOXNET: Toxicology Data Network)
A group of databases for toxicology, hazardous chemicals, and related areas.
Multidatabase search tool for information on toxicology, hazardous chemicals, environmental health, and toxic releases.
Treaties Recognition Playlist
Video playlist on indigenous peoples and treaties in Ontario.
TRID: the TRIS and ITRD database
Citations and some full text of journal articles, technical reports, and other materials for transportation studies.
Truth, Reconciliation & Colonialism
Video playlist on the the effects of colonialism in Canada.
TSX Venture Exchange : eReview
Newsletters on common stock and market indices.
Twentieth Century North American Drama
Full-text plays, chiefly American with some Canadian.
U.K. Parliamentary Papers
Digitally scanned Sessional Papers & supplementary material from Great Britain's House of Commons. (Some House of Lords papers, if presented to the House of Commons.)
Ulrichsweb: Global Serials Directory
Detailed information about international journals, magazines and other publications.
The books, reports, and journals created by the United Nations.
Large, comprehensive statistical database covering all countries of the world. Pulls together statistics from all the major UN sources.
Underground and Independent Comics
Contains classic underground comics from the 1960’s to now and articles about them.
University of Chicago Press Journals
Journals published by University of Chicago Press.
University of Michigan Press Ebook Collection
Electronic books (ebooks) published by the University of Michigan Press.
University Press Scholarship Online
Large ebook collection on a wide variety of topics from various university presses.
University Press Scholarship Online: Philosophy
Collection of ebooks on topics in philosophy.
Very Short Introductions
Collection of introductory books on a variety of topics including arts, humanities, law, health, science, and social sciences.