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Mental Measurements Yearbook with Tests in Print Information about and reviews of English-language standardized tests. View full description
MicroLog see Canadian Research Index
Mid East Wire see
Middle East Wire see Concise briefs, in English, of items from Arab and Persian print, radio and television media. View full description
MLA Directory of Periodicals (via EBSCOhost) Lists more than 3,700 periodicals that are covered in the MLA International Bibliography. View full description
MLA International Bibliography (via EBSCOhost) Comprehensive index for modern languages and literatures providing citations to articles, books, book chapters and dissertations. View full description
Modern Language Association's Directory of Periodicals see MLA Directory of Periodicals (via EBSCOhost)
Modern Language Association's International Bibliography see MLA International Bibliography (via EBSCOhost)
MPD see Music Periodicals Database
Music @ ProQuest Selected ProQuest databases for Music. View full description
Music Database see Music Periodicals Database
Music Periodicals Database Index and full text for international music periodicals, from scholarly journals to popular sources. View full description
NAL Catalog The National Agricultural Library (NAL) Catalog (Agricola) provides citations to agricultural literature. View full description
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) Citations to journal articles, conference papers and other NASA aerospace technical literature. View full description
National Agricultural Library Catalog see NAL Catalog
National Bureau of Economic Research see NBER Working Papers
National Criminal Justice Reference Service see NCJRS Abstracts Database
National Geographic Society Publications Index Index to the society's publications, including articles, books, maps and CD-ROMs. View full description
National parliaments database see Parline
NBER Working Papers Accesses NBER working papers in PDF format. View full description
NCJRS Abstracts Database U.S. database with summaries of articles, books and other materials about crime and corrections. View full description
News, Regional Business see Regional Business News
Newsbank, Readex Access UN (no longer available) see Readex Access UN
Nexis Uni Full-text documents for international news, business, legal research, and key people in the news. View full description
Nineteenth Century Index (C19) see C19: The Nineteenth Century Index
Nineteenth Century Masterfile see Eight Centuries
Nineteenth-Century Short Title Catalogue see NSTC: Nineteenth-Century Short Title Catalogue
NSTC: Nineteenth-Century Short Title Catalogue Combined catalogue of books written in English from 1801 to 1919. View full description
NTRS see NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
OAPEN : Online library and publication platform Open access academic books covering a variety of subjects. View full description
OCLC First Search see WorldCat (Subscription)
ODS Search see Official Documentation System
Official Documentation System Includes all types of official United Nations (UN) freely available, full-text documents. Does not include sales publications or treaties. View full description
OneFile see Gale Academic OneFile
Open Access Publishing in European Networks see OAPEN : Online library and publication platform
OUP journals see Oxford Academic : Journals
Oxford Academic : Journals Index of and links to all journals published by Oxford. View full description
Oxford Bibliographies: Ecology see Ecology - Oxford Bibliographies
Oxford Companion to Music see Oxford Music Online
Oxford Dictionary of Music see Oxford Music Online
Oxford Music Online Broad reference source (including Grove Music) for information and access to literature related to music. View full description
Oxford University Press journals see Oxford Academic : Journals
PAIS Archive see PAIS Index
PAIS Index International index to various types of publications on public/social policy and social sciences. Includes PAIS Archive. View full description
PAIS International see PAIS Index
Palgrave journals see Springer Link
PAO see Periodicals Archive Online
Paratext's 19th Century Masterfile see Eight Centuries
Parline For all countries with a national legislature, includes parliamentary and electoral information. View full description

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Last Updated: October 18, 2022 3:59pm