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Patrologia Latina Database see Patrologia Latina
Penn World Tables Lists purchasing power parity and national income accounts for countries worldwide. View full description
Peoples, Cultures, and the Environment see Early Encounters in North America: Peoples, Cultures, and the Environment
Periodicals Archive Online Full-text articles from journals in the humanities and social sciences. View full description
Periodicals, Directory of see MLA Directory of Periodicals (via EBSCOhost)
Personal Experiences see The First World War
Philosopher's Index A primary major index for finding articles and books in philosophy. View full description
Philosophy - Oxford Bibliographies A collection of core resources in philosophy. Selected by experts. View full description
Philosophy of Science 2-Volume Set, The : An Encyclopedia Encyclopedia covering developments in the contemporary philosophy of science. View full description
PhilPapers A directory of online philosophical articles and books by academic philosophers View full description
Physical Education Index see Sports Medicine & Education Index
PHYSIOLOGY.ORG see american physiological society: Publications
PILOTS: Published International Literature On Traumatic Stress see PTSDpubs
PitchBook Company information data and analytical tools. View full description
Plant Science (via ProQuest) Citations and abstracts of scientific literature on plant science. View full description
PLD see Patrologia Latina
Policing & Public Safety @ EBSCOhost Articles on aboriginal issues, criminal justice, leadership, and training for Policing & Public Safety. View full description
Policing & Public Safety @ ProQuest Articles on policy, psychology, social issues, diversity, leadership, and training for Policing & Public Safety. View full description
Political Risk Yearbook Country reports with political and economic information. View full description
Political Science @ EBSCOhost Search here after you try Political Science @ ProQuest. View full description
Political Science @ ProQuest Comprehensive search through major Political Science databases. View full description
Political Science Database Index for journal articles on international relations and political science. View full description
PopIndex see Population Index
Popular Culture I see Popular Culture in Britain and America, 1950-1975
Popular Culture II see Popular Culture in Britain and America, 1950-1975
Popular Culture in Britain and America, 1950-1975 Primary source material concerning social, political and cultural changes from 1950-1975. View full description
Population Index Worldwide demographic and population literature. View full description
Primary Sources see Gale Primary Sources: Newspapers
Project MUSE Full-text books and peer reviewed journals in the humanities and social sciences. View full description
Propaganda and Recruitment see The First World War
ProQuest Accounting & Tax see Accounting, Tax & Banking Collection
ProQuest Business Collection see ProQuest One Business
ProQuest databases (all) Search all ProQuest databases at once. View full description
ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global International database with full text and/or abstracts for doctoral dissertations and selected master's theses. View full description
ProQuest Dissertations & Theses UK & Ireland see ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global
ProQuest Ebook Central Ebook platform for many full-text scholarly, trade, and university press titles acquired by Laurier Library. View full description
ProQuest Entrepreneurship see Entrepreneurship Database
ProQuest Historical Annual Reports Full-text company reports. View full description
ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Calgary Herald Searchable full-page archive of the newspaper, Calgary Herald. View full description
ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Montreal Gazette Searchable full-page archive of the newspaper, Montreal Gazette. View full description
ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Ottawa Citizen Searchable full-page archive of the newspaper, Ottawa Citizen. View full description
ProQuest Historical Newspapers: The Globe and Mail Full text of the Globe and Mail newspaper, from 1844 up to four years ago. View full description
ProQuest Historical Newspapers: The New York Times Full-text page images. View full description
ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Toronto Star Searchable full-page archive of the newspaper, Toronto Star. View full description
ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Vancouver Sun Searchable full-page archive of the newspaper, Vancouver Sun. View full description
ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Windsor Star Searchable full-page archive of the newspaper, Windsor Star. View full description
ProQuest Literature Online see Literature Online
ProQuest One Business Search tool for business and management publications. View full description
ProQuest Political Science see Political Science Database
ProQuest Recent Newspapers: National Post Searchable full-page access to the newspaper The National Post. View full description

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