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Resource Description Concise briefs, in English, of items from Arab and Persian print, radio and television media. View full description
Migration to new worlds Collection of primary sources on the movement of people from Europe and Asia to the New World and Australasia. View full description
MLA Directory of Periodicals (via EBSCOhost) Lists more than 3,700 periodicals that are covered in the MLA International Bibliography. View full description
MLA International Bibliography (via EBSCOhost) Comprehensive index for modern languages and literatures providing citations to articles, books, book chapters and dissertations. View full description
Modern Era, The (Migration to New Worlds, Module 2) see Migration to new worlds
Modern Language Association's Directory of Periodicals see MLA Directory of Periodicals (via EBSCOhost)
Modern Language Association's International Bibliography see MLA International Bibliography (via EBSCOhost)
Montreal Gazette see ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Montreal Gazette
Morgan & Claypool Colloquium Digital Library of Life Sciences see Colloquium Digital Library of Life Sciences
MPD see Music Periodicals Database
Music & Performing Arts Streaming audio and video plus scores and reference works. View full description
Music - Oxford Bibliographies A collection of core resources in music. Selected by experts. View full description
Music @ ProQuest Selected ProQuest databases for Music. View full description
Music Database see Music Periodicals Database
Music Online see Music & Performing Arts
Music Online: Classical Music Library Music-streaming program. Browse by composer, artist, conductor, ensemble, instrument, genre, period, or label. View full description
Music Online: Classical Music Reference Library Baker's Biographical Dictionary and other reference sources. View full description
Music Online: Classical Scores Library Classical music scores, manuscripts and unpublished material. View full description
Music Online: Contemporary World Music Large streaming audio collection of world music. View full description
Music Online: Opera in Video Opera performances on video plus interviews and documentaries. View full description
Music Online: Smithsonian Global Sound for Libraries A music streaming program for world music, spoken word, and natural sound recordings. View full description
Music Online: The Garland Encyclopedia of World Music Reference articles on world music topics with audio examples, musical illustrations, photographs, and drawings. View full description
Music Periodicals Database Index and full text for international music periodicals, from scholarly journals to popular sources. View full description
NAIBD see North American Indian Thought and Culture
NAITC see North American Indian Thought and Culture
National Biography, Dictionary of see Oxford Dictionary of National Biography
National Bureau of Economic Research see NBER Working Papers
National Film Board of Canada Thousands of documentaries, animations, and alternative dramas produced by the National Film Board of Canada. View full description
National Post (via ProQuest Recent Newspapers) see ProQuest Recent Newspapers: National Post
National Research Council Press journals see Canadian Science Publishing Journals
NATO see Theatre (via Alexander Street)
Nature Publishing Group see The journals published by the Nature Publishing Group, including "Nature" itself. View full description
NAWLaD see North American Women's Letters and Diaries: Colonial to 1950
Naxos Music Library Streaming music from hundreds of labels, in particular for classical music. View full description
NBER Working Papers Accesses NBER working papers in PDF format. View full description
NCCO: Women and Transnational Networks see Women and Transnational Networks
NetAdvantage Standard and Poor's Industry Surveys and the Register of Corporations, Directors, and Executives. View full description
NetLibrary see eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)
New Cinema History see Routledge companion to new cinema history, The
New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics see The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics
New York Times, Historical see ProQuest Historical Newspapers: The New York Times
News, Regional Business see Regional Business News
Newsbank, Readex Access UN see Readex Access UN
NewsVault see Gale Primary Sources: Newspapers
Nexis Uni Full-text documents for international news, business, legal research, and key people in the news. View full description
NFB Online Screening Room see National Film Board of Canada see National Film Board of Canada
Nineteenth Century British Newspapers see British Library Newspapers
Nineteenth Century Collections Online: Women and Transnational Networks see Women and Transnational Networks

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