Gale (InfoTrac)
Index for Canadian academic journals and popular magazines
Encyclopedia of Sociology
Full text articles on core concepts in sociology.
Selection of reference works in the sciences and social sciences.
Gale Literature Resource Center
Full text biographical information, overviews, criticism and reviews on writers, past and present.
Indigenous Peoples of North America
Collection of primary source documents on the Indigenous peoples of North America.
Literary Index
Indexes Gale publications: biographies and literary criticism.
Market Share Reporter
Presents comparative business statistics with an immediate overview of companies, products and services and cites original sources
Nineteenth Century UK Periodicals
Scans of British newspapers published from 1800 to 1900.
The Illustrated London News
Searchable text plus page images of all issues of the "Illustrated London News".
The Times Digital Archive
Searchable full-text images of every page of the London Times newspaper.