Resource Overview
Alternate Title(s): Virtual Reference Library, GVRL, Gale books, Gale Virtual Reference Library
Platform: Gale (InfoTrac)
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Selection of full-text reference works. Includes biographical resources. Search the full collection or narrow search to a subject area. List of available titles (title, edition, volumes, publication year, isbn):
- Business Leader Profiles for Students 2v 1999 (9780787692667)
- Cities of the World 6th ed. 4v 2002 (9780787691226)
- Company Profiles for Students 3v 1999 (9780787692681)
- Computer Sciences 4v 2002 (9780028658926)
- Countries and Their Cultures 4v 2001 (9780028658964)
- Encyclopedia of Buddhism 2v 2004 (9780028659107)
- Encyclopedia of Business and Finance 2nd ed. 2v 2006 (9780028660813)
- Encyclopedia of Communication and Information 3v 2002 (9780028658872)
- Encyclopedia of Crime and Justice 2nd ed. 4v 2002 (9780028658988)
- Encyclopedia of Drugs, Alcohol & Addictive Behavior 2nd ed. 4v 2001 (9780028658919)
- Encyclopedia of Global Brands 2nd ed. 2v 2013 (9781558628540)
- Encyclopedia of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender History in America 3v 2004 (9780684314273)
- Encyclopedia of Management 5th ed. 2006 (9781414404783)
- Encyclopedia of Products & Industries - Manufacturing 2v 2008 (9781414429861)
- Encyclopedia of Public Health 4v 2002 (9780028658889)
- Encyclopedia of Sociology 2nd ed. 5v 2001 (9780028658995)
- Encyclopedia of World Biography 2nd ed. 23v 2004 (9780787691240)
- Encyclopedia of World Biography Vol. 24 Supplement 2nd ed. 2005 (9780787693459)
- Encyclopedia of World Biography Vol. 25 Supplement 2nd ed. 2005 (9781414404691)
- Encyclopedia of World Biography Vol. 26 Supplement 2nd ed. 2006 (9781414410418)
- Encyclopedia of World Biography Vol. 27 Supplement 2nd ed. 2007 (9781414429281)
- Enfermedades y Trastornos de la Salud 3v 2004 (9780684315195)
- Environmental Encyclopedia 3rd ed. 2v 2003 (9780787676995)
- Gale E-Commerce Sourcebook 2v 2003 (9780787677305)
- Gale Encyclopedia of E-Commerce 2v 2002 (9780787677039)
- Geo-Data: The World Geographical Encyclopedia 3rd ed. 2003 (9780787677084)
- International Dictionary of Psychoanalysis 3v 2005 (9780028659947)
- Junior Worldmark Encyclopedia of Physical Geography 5v 2003 (9780787693053)
- Junior Worldmark Encyclopedia of World Cities 4v 2000 (9780787693060)
- Nutrition and Well-Being A to Z 2v 2004 (9780028659909)
- Pollution A to Z 2v 2004 (9780028659053)
- Psychologists and Their Theories for Students 2v 2005 (9781414406459)
- Scholarships, Fellowships and Loans 22nd ed. 2006 (9781414405001)
- Science and Its Times 8v 2001 (9780787677244)
- Science of Everyday Things 4v 2002 (9780787677466)
- The College Blue Book 33rd ed. 6v 2006 (9780028660691)
- The Gale Encyclopedia of Psychology 2nd ed. 2001 (9780787677459)
- The Gale Encyclopedia of Science 3rd ed. 6v 2004 (9780787677763)
- UXL Encyclopedia of Science 2nd ed. 10v 2002 (9780787693176)
- Virtual Reality 2004 (9781590189252)
- Water: Science and Issues 4v 2003 (9780028659060)
- World of Earth Science 2v 2003 (9780787693329)
- World Press Encyclopedia 2nd ed. 2v 2003 (9780787677282)
This collection was previously funded by Knowledge Ontario.
Resource Details
Selection of reference works in the sciences and social sciences.
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Laurier alumni, Laurier Library visitors, Laurier staff students and faculty
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Gale’s Platform Accessibility Policy, Cengage Group: Accessibility
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