FPIC.INFO Resources
Resource Overview
Alternate Title(s): Free Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) Resources
Link to Resource
Free Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) is an index and full text database that provides information and resources on self-determination to assist Indigenous communities in decision making. It includes selected articles, tool kits, videos, voice messages, and community stories about FPIC and Consultation. The website is hosted by Deyohahá:ge, the Indigenous Knowledge Centre, at Six Nations Polytechnic in the territory of Six Nations of the Grand, Oshweken, Ontario, Canada. Deyohahá:ge (Two Roads): “is dedicated to bringing together two streams of consciousness – the ancestral Indigenous knowledge with the best of modern academic knowledge – in order to advance the overall well-being of all peoples.”
Resource Details
FPIC (Free Prior and Informed Consent) is an index and full-text database for resources about free prior and informed consent in Indigenous self-determination in land resource decision making
Subjects Covered:
Interdisciplinary, Business, Geography and Environmental Studies, Global Governance, Global Studies, Human Rights and Human Diversity, Indigenous Studies, International Public Policy, North American Studies, Social and Environmental Justice, Sociology
Authorized Users:
1993 to present