Resource Overview
Alternate Title(s): Career Cruising
Link to Resource
Personal account: Additional functionality and content is available to you if you sign into a free personal "My Plan" account on the platform.
Off campus access unavailable: Due to a platform update, off campus access has been lost temporarily. The vendor is working on a solution.
Includes assessment tools, career profiles, financial aid information and resume guides; helpful for students exploring college options or a potential career path or experienced workers considering a career change or continuing education.
Laurier Library has provided access to this since March 2009 through a consortial OCUL deal. (This was previously funded by "Knowledge Ontario".)
Resource Details
Collection of in depth career profiles, college and university programs, and interviews to assist career selection and planning. Requires a personal account.
Subjects Covered:
Authorized Users:
Laurier alumni, Laurier Library visitors, Laurier staff students and faculty
Usage Rights: