Cultural Analysis and Social Theory: Introduction
Resources: Start Here
Cultural Analysis and Social Theory @ ProQuest
Selected ProQuest databases for Cultural Analysis and Social Theory (CAST).
Resources: Main
A directory of online philosophical articles and books by academic philosophers
Social Theory
Collection of articles and primary documents about the nature of social behavior and organization.
Stanford encyclopedia of philosophy
Refereed dynamic open-access online encyclopedia from Stanford University. Updated continuously.
Resources: Also Useful
ProQuest databases (all)
Alternate titles include: All ProQuest databases
Search all ProQuest databases at once.
Google Scholar
Searches for articles and web resources from academic publishers and universities.
Film and Media Studies @ EBSCOhost
Selected EBSCOhost databases for Film and Media Studies.
Current and back issues of journals in arts and sciences.
ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global
International database with full text and/or abstracts for doctoral dissertations and selected master's theses.
Web of Science Core Collection
Citation indexes for the arts & humanities, the social sciences, and the sciences.